amp-preamp considerations.

what are technical concerns[matching]when mating.have c-j prem.140 and am lookink for pre-amp.considering pass-lab x-1 or simaudio p-5.not stuck on either.using adcom gfp-750.looking for improvment on this.also new to tubes,think i would prefer ss.this amp is like having a small heater in da house.any input appreciated.
A Adcom matched with a CJ??? Wow! Don't let CJ know that, they migh come and tack back their amp :):):) Of course I shouldn't talk, I have done worse in a pinch. But just for a very short while.

I disagree with the SS pre/tube amp combo. Tehcnicanly speaking ( and from my listening experience ) you will lose someting off your highs. And with the Adcom your highs must be a bummer. No offense to you Adcom users out there. I have just found that SS preamps don't match sonicaly with tube amps.

I would seriously consider " any tube pre " in your system, if I were you.......
kt88.the adcom was purchased way prior to the that i have bought this tube amp,i am now hoping to find a pre-amp match that will provide the synergy everyone talks about.czbbcl,thought very much about ss amp-tube, pre-amp mating,but decided to try tubes because of all the hype.might even sell c-j to go this route .seeking advise from people with knowledgable,sincere advice.

I didn't think you bought the Adcom to match up with the CJ. I was joshing with you :)

The CJ is an excellent piece, as long as you have it, might as well try some tube preamps with it. I don't have a clue what your source is, recomending a pre is a " blind guess " But I would try a CJ Premier 14 or something by ARC. Some people may disagree with me here, but I think a LS22 would be a good match. If you want the sound a little sweeter, try something by VAC.

good luck!

I have had personnel experience with a tube amp; premier 11a. I sold it because it was not enough power to drive my thiels. I love what tube amps do that is provide the inner detail in the mid to high-end frequencies that ss simply can not do; no hype about it.

The recommendation I made to you is an effort to get you to consider a pre-amp that will first and foremost provide the best sonic solution and provide system synergies as to not cause system matching concerns. You obviously purchased a high-end amp you need to drive that amp with an equally high-end pre-amp which will bring out the best the amp has to offer. You also need to consider front ends as well as cabling. What I am trying to convey is system balance. You do not want to compromise the amp by choking it off with inferior components up stream.

Tube amps by there very nature are high maintenance and you need to provide the care necessary as well as select up-stream components to get the best out of it.Again, happy listening
thanks again for responces.source in this system is marantz sa-1.i thing c-j prem.17ls is the way to go.just dont want to ad another tube item in line and loss any resolution and bas control.also,if i go back to ss amp,hopefully this pre would be would be a keeper in both cases.any opinions on these conclusions?