Levinson Amp Experts, I need your help please

I was considering the Levinson 332, 333, 333.5 or 431 power amps. Is there that much of a sonic difference between these models? Will they run as hot as a Pass X-250 when pushed hard? Are there any reliability issues with any of the models? Is the .5 upgrade worth the price? Are there any other power amp options that I should consider?

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I have owned or heard several ML amps. I think the later 300 series does sound the best. I do agree with Steven when he said their amps are true to the source. My opinion is most of their amps are neutral. One of my buddies also has owned several ML amps and we both agree they are accurate and neutral. I also agree with John that a tube preamp does mate well with their amps and will help if you want to give some bloom to the sound (BAT especially). I have not heard the 400 series of amps.
Peter,the Counterpoint stuff is getting old?Need a change?Good luck but stay away from Levinson,cheers,Bob,PS,I have an Ayre V5xe which is fine with no service worries. Too many good guys out there to do that,cheers,Bob
i'll third the Levinson's as being "true to the source". have spent alot of time with various 300 series amps and currently run a 432. they reproduce whatever the source presents.....good or bad. i couldn't be happier given my budget and preference's. if you're looking the add something (warmth for example) or take something away (forwardness for example.....the Levinsons are not the way to go imho. these types of things need to corrected/adjusted for at the source....by the source.

that being said....i recently had a chance to hear an 350.5 and thought it sounded fantastic. couldn't do any comparisons but can say i'm a fan of Pass and think they make some really nice gear. love my X1 pre.

I switched to the X350.5 after the caps in my ML333 blewed up for the third time in 8 years, and after seeing the bill Harmon charged me to repair it. I had sent my transport in to get it recalibrated as well, and they ended up replacing the entire mechanism and charged me an arm and a leg without letting me know first. That's another story. But I was mad as hell of their practice. But anyways, I traded in the ML333 for the X350.5 and never looked back. Better dynamic, more lively, bigger and more 3-D soundstage, and better control and deeper bass.

The 333 did sound better after recap though. But I didn't want to take the chance of it blowing up again.
