tube or tube-like amp recommendations?

Can anyone make any recommendations for this system:

-JM Lab Electras: 915, 905, sr30, cc30
-ATI 5 channel amp (1505?) 150x5
-AdcoM GFA555II amp 200x2 (this is the one I'd like to replace)
-B&K ref 30 pre

I'd like to buy used equipment selling for less then $1500-$2000. Any ideas for a tube amp in this price range or a solid state with a tube like sound?

Aronov LS960 tube amp. Natural, musical, and extended range, with unexpectedly superior bass. You will be surprised how a well designed 60 watts per channel of big iron tube power will improve upon your 200 watts per channel of transistor power. This amp just sounds so "right," rather than what your expectation of a tube amp may be.
With top of the line Mapleshade power cord directly into the AC wall outlet, the bass extension, dynamics, and transient speed really impress.
This amplifier has no adjustments for you to make, and is solid, reliable, and aesthetically appealing with its backlit logo when turned on. Available used periodically on Audiogon.
The Music Reference RM-200 is a tube/solid-state hybrid that can be found for approximately $2k on AudioGon. Unlike many tube designs it is not perturbed by low impedances, and can deliver >100 wpc from 20-20kHz into a 4 Ohm load. It even has 2 Ohm taps, and has condsiderable output into even that extreme load. Being a Roger Modjeski design, it is highly reliable, built like a tank, and quite pleasing to the eye. As for its "sound", I can say that it portrays dynamic contrasts as well as I've heard from any amp. It has an amazingly broad tonal palette, and does not spotlight any particular part of the audible spectrum. I think this may be due to atypically taut, tuneful and extended low bass for a tube design. For what it's worth, I find it more desirable than most anything I've heard, regardless of price.
Depending on the efficency of your speakers and what type of music you listen to. I would suggest either the Conrad Johnson MF2500 (SS) or MV60 (Tube)or maybe a used premier 11a (tube).

sorry to say the only solid state i heard that sounds like a tube amp is the halcro.

i think it was a bit overpriced and was easily bested by a bat tube amp @ 1/3 the price imo.

there are some very good solid state amps that are musical, neutral and match very well with a tube preamp ( that is the best way to get "tube sound" without the tube hassles and expense, i would estimate the tube sound @ 75%-80%)imo.

in regards to solid state amps:

pse studio V mono's, muse monos, or muse 160 mkII stero amp. both are very, very neutral and will pretty much handle any load with grace, muscle and musicality...

now here is crux of the situation... if.....

if your preamp is up to the task.

a amp will take signal from the pre and amplify it. if you have a great pre the amp will pick up on and move the signal along.the pre is the second most important component in chain imo.

you might want to consider moving (selling your pre) and looking for a tube/hybrid pre and solid state amps.

a good combo is a audio research ls-2bmkii with remote or pse hl-1 ( remote & theatre bypass- both are hybrids and will require minimal tube investment, the bat vk3i or vk5i are great but require more tube - the vk5i is a awesome unit - goes for $1600 with remote) with the above mentioned amps. i think that combo will yield much better results at $1600 - $1900 than a $2000 amp.

average used prices for the above are:

muse 150/160 monos - $700 - $800
pse studio v mono's - $600 - $700
muse 160 mk II stereo- $700

preamp prices
pse hl-1 ($1000)
ARC ls2bmkII w/ remote ($1000)
BAT vk3i $900 to $1000 with remote
BAT vk5i $1500 - $1600 with remote

the units suggested originally retailed ( beside the bat 5vki) went for $2500 to $3000 when they were introduced and very well regarded.

the pse gear is not as well know but well regarded by speaker designers like richard vandersteen. if you can find a pse hl-1 i would suggest picking it up. i saw only 2 of them come on the market last year.. i bought one of them.

the drawback is these units dont come up that often and when they do, they command top dollar.

if you wish to stay with your pre, i would suggest the classe cam monos, they are very nice and some of the best amps i have heard regardless of price ( $2k used for the 100wpc mono blocks) these are the only solid state amps i have found to exceed the above mentioned.

hope that helps,
