Cary SLP-98 vs. other high end preamps--C-J, etc.

Has anyone compared the SLP-98 to any other preamps like the C-J 17LS (or any other C-J), Joule Electra, or any of the VTL preamps? I guess I'm basically trying to get an idea of how good it really is compared to others I might purchase in the $2 to $3K range, new or used. I've owned a VTL 2.5TL, would the Cary be an upgrade to that? Right now I'm using a CJ PRF (SS), so I realize the Cary is probably opposite in many ways to that. Asking because I don't see the SLP-98 discussed as often. Rest of my system: C-J MF2500A amp, Cary 303-200 CDP, Fanfare tuner, B&W M802 SIII speakers. A C-J preamp is probably an obvious choice for me, but I've gotten intrigued by the Cary. Thanks in advance for any info!

I actually bought an SLP-98 (no phono) a week or two after my original post--I found a virtually new one for a great price. (And the day after I got it, I received the new S'Phile issue with a review of the SLP-98!). Wow, what a nice pre-amp! Any doubts I had about it disappeared after it had broken in. I believe it's a significant upgrade over my VTL 2.5TL (it should be, at roughly twice the price). However, I sold the VTL, & also upgraded my power amp at the same time as the pre-amp, so can't do a direct comparison. I find the Cary does everything well: very smooth, yet dynamic, nice soundstage & depth, very quiet, beautiful mid-range, & looks gorgeous (I have the black/carnival red model).

It also cost at least $1K less than other units I was considering like the C-J 17LS or the ARC LS25MKII. I haven't heard those, but the SLP-98 has totally satisfied my pre-amp upgrade craving. I find it interesting that Nguyenchiro owns both the Cary SLP-98P and the CJ-16LS MKII--& if I read the post correctly, does not consider the 16LS to be clearly superior (just pros & cons for each unit)? If so, that says a lot for the Cary, as it's much less expensive.

I do have a question tho for Markmendenhall or Nguyenchiro--what do you think of the phono stage? Is it worth the $400 to get it installed? I've been considering more expensive separate units (used Cary PH301, C-J EV-1 or PF-1, etc.), but don't want to spend a lot on vinyl playback right now.

Thanks for all the responses to my post. I have to say, the SLP-98 is one of the nicest sounding (& looking) components I've owned.


I bought a used Cary Slp98 a few months ago, it was replacing a Rogue Magnum 99 that I bought brand new and the 99 was less than 2 months old. I took a major loss on the Rogue, but it was worth it once the Cary was installed.

The Cary had the pio cap upgrade, these caps are labeled " Audio 1's" and to who manufactures these caps is a mystery. If you do the research with these caps that Cary offers, you find many posts from indiviguals that they sound awful and have replaced them. I found the Audio 1 cap sounding slow, thick, foggy, soupy (you pick) and lacking great high end extension. Dont get me wrong, the Slp98 sounded great but something was holding it back from becoming a work of art. It was a diamond in the rough.

I yanked these caps and installed the Hovland Musicaps and WOW does the Cary sing. Superb dynamics, excellent lowend, liquid midrange, crystaline highend...and quite. If you buy it new, Cary does offer other cap options.

I agree with Markmendenhall that a great source for tubes is Vintage Tube Services. Andy will answer a call late into the evening.

good luck, kek
Nguyenchiro you mentioned that " SLP-98 has more bottom end but less lush midrange whereas CJ-16LS MKII has an awesome sweet midrange when listening to vocals but lack of bottom end". What caps did the Cary have in it?
Congratulations on your purchase, Steve.

I just stumbled onto this thread because I happened to read Art Dudley's review of the Cary just this morning. I wanted to acknowledge Markmendenhall's post above because I own both a First Sound and a Klyne, and I will attest that they are both superb.
Hi there,
I've owned a Cary-SPL94. What a great pre-amp.
Don't know what different between SLP-94 and SLP-98 (they look quite the same design)?
Is it worth upgrading to SLP-98?
