Pre-Amp decision from a Newbie - Need Help

I am looking for a solid state pre-amp less than $1000.00 that will fit in my newbie rigg, as I have just entered the serious world of fine audio reproduction. I have a Rega Planet 2000 as my source, along with a Rotel RB1080 amp driving a pair of B&W DM604S3's. I listen to progressive rock and metal, which demands the quick bass punch, long deep melotron notes, and warmer mids along with super crisp high's. Is there a pre-amp that can fit in this setup? Perhaps being able to add a tuner for the other half might come in the futureas well. HELP!!!
If you can swing a few extra bucks, look into an AVA (Audio by Van Alstine) Transcendence 7 SLR tube hybrid preamp for $1200.00 new. It is anything but tubey-sounding. It has (2) 12AU7 tubes in it used as voltage gain devices only. With the stock tubes, it is quite analytical, has great detail, AND has great bass slam. You can always roll tubes to taylor the sound to what you want, i.e., make it more euphonic. Go to where there is an AVA circle. I own one, that's the best endorsement I can give.
AVA pre amps are a very good choice, trouble free, great sound.I have 2 of them
Analog Shop in Victor has a CJ PV10B w/phono stage adv. on the website for $799. This is probably close enough to you based on the roch.rr. address. A nice shop with low key guys. Haven't been there in a couple of years, but they seem to be in the business for the right reasons.
Plenty to be said for a home demo...

Ok, with all these wonderful suggestions, my head hurts!! But here are two deals that I am currently considering: Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp with options on tube types, for half the price of MSRP (no remote) or Odyssey Audio Tempest for the list price from Factory Direct. Also offered was a Aragon 28K MkII for 650 and a Marsh pre-amp for 725.00. What does everyone think?
Audio by Van Alstine has:

Omega Star, SS preamp in two different configurations:

SL, (Straight Line) and EC (Enhanced Capability with tone controls).

Transcendence 6, hybrid preamp in SL.

Also, Trancendence 5, which is all tube. I own the AVA Super Pas 3, one of the all tube precursors to the T5. Can run it 24/7. It just smiles back. Sounds great.

All can be had for under $1k. each.

AVA quality is the highest. Bang for the buck cannot be beat. I have owned AVA gear for over 25 years. Never a hiccup. Never a regret. AVA has a VERY faithful customer base. Real value for real listeners.