Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?

Hi.... almost afraid to ask: do people switch off their equipment or leave it powered 24/7? I have a mid-fi Acurus A250 and LS11 Amp Preamp and am not sure what is wore: switch it off every evening or leave it powered?
Would be great to hear what the experts have to say,
conrad-johnson recommends turning thier tube products off when not in it causes pre-mature tube failure.
Does not living power amp on shorten his live?
My Clayton monoblocks do not have standby feature.
Shoud I leave them on or off for the sake of longevity not sound quality?
I'm convinced that my system sounds better when warmed up, but my consern is safety. I have a tube amplifier. What are the safety considerations when leaving a very hot tube amp on 24 hours?