Best material for isolation purposes

What's the best material, either metal cones or sorbathane cups, or what ever, for use under a VTL preamp. All answers
appreciated. Mark.
Peanut butter. Gobs and gobs of peanut butter. Creamy works better than chunky : ) Sean
Van Evers used to sell an exoctic hardwood tuning kit, blocks of wood 3/4" X 1" X 1 1/2". Each type of wood resonates at a different frequency range. Very effective and does fine tune the sounds. I have tried over a dozen different type of hardwoods and have success with many, Ebony, Zebrawood, Bloodwood, etc. If you would like to try and can not get your hands on different hardwoods, write me.
I really like superballs under most of my components. They can be picked up at walmart for ~1.29 for 8 + 1 large ball. I use washers under the balls to stop their rolling. It's so cheap, it doesn't hurt to try ;)