Best integrated, ???

I plan on getting Dynaudio's 5.4s(at the moment) and i'm looking for feedback on integrated amps. I have heard the Pathos TT & ML 383 with the 5.4s ... I liked the TT better, though it drove the speakers it is close to it's limit.
I was wondering about BAT VK-300X, McIntosh MA6900, Musical Fidelity Tri Vista integrated 300 and any other that have been compared...
Prepare to be impressed if you audition the Aronov LS 960i. They usually run about $1600, used. I don't need a second one, or I would be contacting Audiogon member-dealer Jboeyjus who has one in his inventory of used items for only $1250. Compared to $3600 new, this seems to be a "best buy." I don't agree with his flamboyant business title, which you can read for yourself on his website, but it certainly gets your attention. I have no personal connection, but have followed his ads for a while.
If I can inspire interest in this unheralded, champion tube integrated, then I shall have done my good deed for the day.
Not heard the 5.4's but i am very familiar with a pair of Craffts.Give a listen to the MA6900. I use it with a pair of Studio monitors (18Hz-20Khz)which sound similar to Dynaudio's.The 6900 will surely bringout the bass the Dyns are known for, adding a bit of warmth to the slightly lean mids.Good luck.
Gotta second the Dilly on this one. What is Dilly short
for? Dilly Dally maybe. Back to the thread, the MA6900
is a robust warm and truly wonderful sounding integrated
amp. Can be found on A'gon (occassionly) for about $3k.

I recommend you the REGA Mira integated amp version 1999 (The model which has the appearance of a BBQ not the 2000 one) Why? Because the phono preamp is good and the sound is warm, soft and dynamic. Finally, it doesn't cost the earth! About 1300,00$ CDN. I use it with my REGA Planar 25 turntable. The only default of this amp is that it emits a lot of warm. I use a fan and it stays cold. It is build like a tank!
The autoformers that the 6900 has really help it to successfully drive most any speaker. It is a really special integrated that you would not be disappointed with. Good Luck,