Does anyone use Lamm M1.1's in their system now?

What are your real feelings about these amps? Are they as good as the reviews say they are? How is the sound real world in a home system?
Mike, Thank you. Your descriptions are very helpful. You are right, however, I will need to listen. If you don't mind one last quesiton: The Joule Electra VZN-100 is the other amp that I am seriously considering. I originally was only thinking about the Joule. Then, I thought that the hybrids might run cooler, require less maitenance, and perhaps have a little better low end extention/control. Next Thursday, I will ahve the pleasure of hearing the Rights of Passage by Joule Electra. They will probably create an expection in me that I am not financially prepared to meet. What I hope is that the VZN-100s sound similar - just with less power. The next step is to hear the Tenor or the Lamm. Thanks for your input. Your posts are very helpful
I purchased a pair of M1.1's one year ago. In my country the price is very hefty (a new car comes to mind), but their performance is really first rate.
I use them with Sonus Faber Guarneri's.
I have enjoyed reading this thread. I have the Tenor 300's. They do not run hot. The OTL's run not only hot but very hot. I have had OTL's in my room. With all great equipment you can really tell the differences with cables. I won't go there but comparing the two both are wonderful but the Hybrid's win in a few areas. The main one being if you blow the output tube you have to do more than replacing the tube you have to send the amp back to Tenor. I have know people who have had the Lamms and made the switch to the Tenors but not the other way around.
as another Tenor 300 watt hybrid owner, i mostly agree with Mike regarding the contrast between the Tenor hybrid and Lamm M1.1. where i would disagree to some degree, would be that in living with them on a daily basis, they have plenty of weight and sense of control and are never lean or lightweight sounding.

the Tenors are very energetic, and to my particular tastes, are more 'alive' sounding than the Lamm. but your Audio Physic's are a fairly 'alive' sounding it may come down to balance and tastes. both these amps are excellent.

i haven't heard the Lamm M1.2's or the Tenor Stereo hybrid 150's.
I have enjoyed all the great responses and now it looks like I need to audition the Tenors also. I think it does really come down to mating the right components together and your tastes. Also if you like country-blues or any type of blues give Allison Moorer a listen you won't be disappointed.