How come that NOS is better them NS new stock ?

There is a lot "tube equipment" threads on this forum. After hearing some good tube amps, Lamm, Hovland, BAT, Cary I could understand why people are buying and making so much fuss about it. I with every passing months closer to invest some money in "obsolete" technology :)
They really sound better then their modern SS counterparts. But I do not understand why people at any price are trying to replace their NS (new stock) tubes for NOS tubes. Do not we have progress in electronic industry? I believe that nobody is using anymore black and white TV, old picture tube should be better then new ones, is it not? But people seems to buy instead, new ones...
So how come, old tubes seems to be better for everybody here? How|Why they sound better?
Maybe SS on old germane transistors form 50's would be better too?
Maybe old resistors would be better too? It does not make any sens to me.
Hi Sorlowski-

I suggest you go to Place an order for The Vacuum Tube Valley Quarterly, Issue 19. Read the article “Why NOS Tubes Are Better”. This article provides and excellent discussion regarding NOS vs. new production tubes. This issue also contains a shootout for 6550/KT88 tubes in both guitar and hi-fi applications.

I believe I have read there are environmental considerations in the materials and practices of manufacturing tubes that weren't in place years ago (when the NOS tubes were made). This is not uncommon as air emission and materials waste disposal issues have a much larger impact on manufacturing than even 15 years ago. I remember just enough to be dangerous here, and cannot remember specifically what it was about the environmental considerations (maybe the use of lead or some other metal?), or how that would affect the quality of the tubes, so maybe some of the more tube-literate folks here can help out.
Emissions Labs 45 betters all vintage 45s (including globes of course) that I have heard.

BTW, Don_b - VTV has a bit of a conflict of interest in an opinion like that (not that I disagree with them), since they sell NOS tubes (at inflated prices, IMHO). I'd take their shootouts with a grain of salt for the same reason.
