Alternatives to Pass Labs

Pass Labs are great amps but are expensive too. Are there any other good amps (stereo and or multi-channel) that are as great sounding as the pass labs products but not as expensive? I had an (borrowed from a friend) an Aleph 3 and I felt that the Aleph was on SS(solid state) amp closest to the tube sound but at the same time retaining the SS features.
Pass Labs amps are on my current short list, too. I agree that they are a bit pricey, but they are one of the few amps which I have yet to hear any real unfavorable reviews of. In addition to Pass, I am considering Theta, McCormack, Classe', Bryston, and Krell. Possibly the Parasound Halo JC 1's, but I do hear some widely conflicting reviews.

Thanks for all the responses. I have auditioned Parasound, Bryston - both of which sounded a little on the brighter side. I owned a Sunfire Signature multichannel amp, it was good but I was looking for something better.
Harry- if you liked the Aleph 3(30 watts Class A) How about the Forte 1a or the 4a. This is also a Nelson Pass design. It is 50 watts of Class A. These can be had in 500.00 dollar range. I have never read a bad thing about this amp,in fact most people rave about it.