Biamping w/ a 5 channel amp?

Ok...if your using a HT 5 channel amp
and decide to run the fronts to the highs and the rears to the lows.
Is this biamping?

If the amp in question uses a single power supply...wouldn't this be technically biwiring? since if the lows drive the amp to clipping won't it clip the fronts also?

I hope this makes sense!

(Ps this isn't something I'm brain is just jumping through hoops tonight and I was hoping someone could set me straight!)
Great question. I think in the purist sense, an amp with its own power supply for each section of the crossover would be the ultimate goal, i.e. 4 monoblocks. Quad-amping? Next, 2 stereo amps having 1 power supply and 2 amps for each section of the speaker, then a multi-channel amp with 1 supply and 4 of its amps for both speakers. Probably have to call that one Uno-amping. Uno-amping is probably a little better than biwiring, like Spinal Taps, "this one goes to eleven", "it's one louder!"