Amp for Thiel 2.3s. Anyone use Classe with them?

I recently purchased the 2.3s and while they have breathtaking sound I do find them bright. My amp is no slouch (Simaudio Moon W5)But I am wondering if the Classe 200/300 would be a more suitable companion given that they are warm sounding (at least that is what I have been told).

Would appreciate the thoughts of anybody who owns Thiels.

Thank you
Brent, I have the same speaker and amp. If additional warmth is what you want and if you are concerned with brightness then I would recommend a tube preamp. With that you could roll the tubes to tweak the sound even further to your liking.
Classe is a great match for Thiels. After I purchased my CS6's, I called many dealers that sold Thiels and amps such as Krell, Levinson, BAT and Classe. The general consensus was Classe. I also talked to Kathy at Thiel, the Classe CA400 was one of their reference amps. That sold me on the Classe. I use a CAT SL1 Ultimate for my preamp. The combination of the CAT and Classe is unbelievable. Very fast, musical and dynamic.

How about Pass Labs x350? I think this might be a good match. I believe I heard the Thiel 2.3s with Classe many years ago, and was not particularly impressed. When I had the 2.3s, I had them with Krell, but that will also give a bright, up-front sound.

Brent -

Am running the Thiel 2.3's with Krell KSA-250, KRC-HR and the new Pure Note Ceruleans IC's & speaker cables. Yeah, some say "bright" - I like to characterize it as "razor sharp". Warm? - no. But, if you like to hear inside of the string - it's a hell of a rig! Good listening.

As a Thiel owner, I can say that if you hear any brightness it is somewhere in your system and not the speaker. Could be your preamp, cables, and possibly the amp. Whatever it is, the Theils are presenting it and not causing it.

I have heard the Thiel 2 2, 3.6 and CS6 - but not the 2.3 -with the Classe CA amps and Classe preamps and they do work extremely well together. However, don't expect the brightness to disappear with the Classe - whatever is causing it will remain and the Classe will not gloss over it, even though it is a bit on the warm side of neutral. I would have, without reservation, purchased the Classe. I chose the Mark Levinson 20.6 monoblocks instead.

Thiels are bastards - you cannot skimp anywhere in your system with them. They will brutally highlight shortcomings in electronics and cabling.