Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350

Anyone has the good fortune of auditioning/owning these two amps? And which one do you prefer?
Im not a krell basher. Ive only owned one or their amps and didnt like it. I just felt compelled to respond to the bogus statement above.
Sometimes when I read the responses in these forums, I find that so many people have childish attitudes and do not really know what they are actually saying. The thread unfortunately for you Stevecham, is not about to start on a Krell bashing. No company especially as high-end as Krell or Pass should be bashed at all. Different strokes for different folks- if the Krell works better than Pass- so be it- if it is vice versa, then so be it too- it is a matter of taste. But Jimwitnauer's statement coming from his friend is totally ludicrous- how can that person compare Pass Labs to Bose? Apples and oranges- perhaps Jim, your friend did not run in the amp long enough- two weeks is not a whole lot of time. Now for hearing awful things about Pass X250, where in blazes did you get this statement- is it qualified? If you look at the threads in Audiogon concerning Pass amps and X250 included, you will find very positive opinions. So before I start calling you Jim NitWithauer, please think before you make outrageous statements and if it is coming from your so-called friend, use some discretion and common sense before plunking down your 2 cents. Now for Stevecham, please no more silly juvenile statements such as "-thread for Krell bashers everywhere to rise up and be heard." We need more positive and informative advice and opinions on these discussion forums so people can seek helpful advice. It is no point trying to play stadium antics by inciting and goading people into flame wars. Both Krell and Pass Labs are very respectable brands- it all depends on the set-up and taste. So let's keep this thread helpful and meaningful.

Happy Listening,

I see the sherrif is in town.

For the record, Jim never said his friend compared Pass to Bose, he compared his decision to get Pass with his decision to get a Bose system. Read before you leap.