Best amps for full range electrostatic loudspeaker

By brand and model which are the best amps for electrostats? Thanks!
the VTL 450 in triode mode drives Martin Logan Quest Z speakers effortlessly.
Seadogs1, where are you getting your Audiostatics from--here on the Gon? There don't seem to be any USA dealers.
Audiostatics.......Nice to see them again as last time I heard the big ones they were being distributed by Threshold about five years ago.......They were in the next room over from our exhibit at the CES and recall the big Threshold amp was huffing and puffing to drive them to acceptable levels.........Better think large and the JC-1s should drive the tar out of the speakers......The VTL Wotan 750 would be a good choice as well, but pricey.....FWIW I was involved in the JC-1 project, but did my work on a flat fee basis a few years ago in conjunction with Curl and Thompson......