is the McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe the same as DNA 125?

Are these the same amps (excepting the wattage difference)? I can get both used for about the same price. Is there a prefferance for either? I will be using Paradigm Studio 60 v.2 speakers.
The DNA .5 = 125 and the DNA 1 = 225. The difference is basically wattage. The DNA .5 had better refinement than the 1, but I can't say the same goes for the 125 vs. the 225 (don't know).

Steve offers custom updates for the DNA .5 and DNA 1 amps. Apparently he has incorporated many of those upgrades as standard into the newer 125 and 225 amps, but he can't possibly put all of the boutique parts into them at those price points. He now offers custom updates for the 125 and 225 also.

If you don't need the extra power of the DNA 1, then the 125 gets you more. If you need the power then get the DNA 1. In either case I would suggest seriously considering Steve's upgrades - they make either of these into a world class amp.

Hello Fishcall -

Thanks for your interest in my amplifiers. The DNA-1 was the first of the DNA series of amps. It went into production around '90 - '91 and was produced until 2000. The DNA-1 (at 185W per ch.) was followed by the DNA-0.5 at just over 100W per ch.

The DNA-125 (125W per ch.) and the DNA-225 (225W per ch.) have replaced the DNA-0.5 and DNA-1. The design has been improved in a variety of ways, so the new amps are superior to the original models "out of the box." Your Paradigm Studio 60 speakers are not especially difficult to drive, so any of these amps will do a very good job. If your room is "average" in size, the newer DNA-125 is probably your best choice. If you have a large room that you would like to fill with high-volume music, the higher-power amps (DNA-1 or DNA-225) would be the better option.

As Bob has pointed-out above, upgrades are available for these amps if you wish to push the performance to even higher levels, but many people are very happy with the DNA amps in their stock form.

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

Steve McCormack
Wow! The builder of the amps in question answers! I love this place! Thanks Steve. I like my music loud when the family will let me so I'll either go with the DNA-1 or 225. I do however have another question. I listen to mostly audience and some soundboard live recordings of bands like the Grateful Dead and Widespread Panic (they allow taping and trading of their live shows) where the quality of the recordings isn't always that great. I have heard that the McCormack amps are extremely detailed and revealing. Will this make the live recordings sound even worse? Are the older or newer versions better for this type of music? thanks a ton.