Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
True enough, hotel rooms, larger show suites, etc.... Are not ideal.... Never the less, they are structural equalizers... They make things equally poor for everyone. Yet, in the unfavorable environment, equipment and speakers, and... professional setup make a difference.

I have fallen in love with Vienna speakers not because of their published specs or semi-technical marketing blurbs, neither because of reviews or user reportsthe, but because of the Vienna sound at RMAF, in hotel suites... structural Limitations and all. A combination of the speakers, the professional setup by Kevin Wolff and Rod Tomson, and the ancillary electronics. The end result in my system confirmed and amplified my opinions of Mahlers and Die Muzik. Needless to say, your mileage/reactions may vary.

Conversely, Vandersteen speakers did not stir my emotions, in spite that Richard V. had lovingly optimized their position and settings for the specific room acoustics, and that ancillary electronics and cabling were often brands and models that I enjoyed elsewhere. Thus, I did not feel any urgency to extend my exposure to equipment that had not caught my emotions.

Am I ever consistent with.... "on't try 'em at home unless I gathered positive audible data points already? Uhrn.... No. Hi Fidelity power cords are a case in point... Persuaded by Harve (Fplanner2000), sight unseen (or is it sound unheard) I started a review project on the CT-1 PCs a couple of weeks ago... Absolutely stunning stuff.... I will start posting my listening notes as soon as I have fixed grammar etc... But.... cables do not weigh 200 Lbs each, and do not require a team of brawny blokes to hoist them to my music loft *grins!*

Matt, I have a similar sized room and have been generally nagged with LF room effects. I can appreciate your interest in finding a statement full-range speaker that takes advantage of your monoblock power. However, in view of room constraints it may make more sense to concede to mains with restricted LF in order to gain the flexibility of separately positioned dual subs. Maybe Zu Submission-- considering its relatively small footprint.

On a different path, maybe an omni like MBL or HHR Exotic could turn the room constraints to advantage. The Walsh-derived HHR TLS-1 was my personal favorite at Axpona and has moved me to a complete rethink of speakers. (Query Doug Schroeder at Dagogo). It may have slightly restricted dynamics relative to the others(less of an issue in a smaller room), but its refined natural timbre and spatial presentation within limited room space is extraordinary.

IMO Kaiser is a very strong contender among small-footprint speakers. I've never heard the excessive brightness of which you speak.

What do you think of the Scaena Manhattan? That one is also on my short list. It has great resolving power and a dynamic and exciting "big" sound, though is certainly best suited to a room with ample distance to the listening position. Not sure if you could manage that along an 18' room dimension.
I agree with everything you said Guido. Shows can provide an initial sonic frame of reference.

I very much enjoy the house sound of Vienna speakers...beautiful and musical. The Vandersteens sound nice (5+7) but left me feeling flat inside as well.

Matt, remind me again what initiated the speaker search? What is missing or what or you looking for exactly? The room/speaker coupling can be tricky especially when pressed for space like you are. You did a very nice (and efficient!) job on the room.

The Behold stuff looks very interesting. More German exotica. 55k is a lot of scratch for speakers though IMO.
I can second the recommendation of Brett Messler at Audio 202 in Far Hills NJ. Bret is a hell of a nice guy, very easy going and carries items before they are well known.

Even if he does not have what you like it will be an enjoyable time well spent.