Bridge Robertson 4010 Question?


I have a Robertson 6010, a great 200W amp. I recently bought a used Robertson 4010 to go with either my center speaker or rear speakers. I dont have the manual for the 4010, but the manual for the 6010 specifically states not to bridge the 6010.

I would like to use the 4010 bridged for the center speaker, but I dont know if I can bridge it. If anyone has a manual for the 4010, I would appreciate letting me know if I can bridge the 4010 and the recommended way?

Thanx, NickM

I have to disagree on that point: i found that the 4010 sounds better thqn the 6010. More versatile and goes deeper into the grooves, a little less superficial.

I've only had it for six months, so I might still change my mind though.


I've run both with my Martin Logan Aerius I and the 6010 is far superior in every way.
BTW Robertson products were designed by John Iverson. I used to work for the company responsible for assembling Electro Research Speakers. He was a very interesting man to say the least. Robertson amps and preamps were assembled in Asia I believe. Take good care of it; the modules are no longer available as far as I know.
Hi All,

Anyone have a service manual or schematics for the 4010 or the 6010? 

Anyone have definitive info that John Iverson designed both amps?

Please be in touch.
