Any experience on McIntosh Amp with B&W Speakers

Any sharing on your experience in using McIntosh integrated amp with B&W N803? Specifically, I am interested in MA6500 and MA6900 ...
BM speakers, to my ear, have very agressive treble. I would choose an amplifer, which do not expose treble as it would be fatiguing on the long term with much of the cds you probably have. Mcintosh seems to be a good choice.
I'm currently using a Mac MX119 with a Mac MC207 amp to drive my B&W matrix 802's fronts and B&W matrix center and rear speakers. Mac doesn't flinch one bit driving these speakers the sound is terrific PS my sub is a passive SVS.
i have two MC501 with BW 802D; it's a perfect match. The bandwith is extra-wide. The sound is clear and neutral.
My cd player is an accuphase DP78 and i have no preamp.