Anyone heard of DK design group?

I have seen the DK VS-1 Reference Integrated Amplifier up for auction both here and on ebay. For the price and from the picture it looks great. However, No mention anywhere else aside from the company website:

Any comments from anyone
Are you sure you're not referring to Blue Diamond ALMONDS?
Because their factory is just three blocks from me. I can run down there right now and see if they know anything about the DK.
I purchased my DK VS-1 Reference MK II integrated amp. from (Jay is owner). No shipping charges, bonus package of some Cardas IC & stuff. Sounds pretty good, added 7308 tubes ($50 Upscale Audio each) have ordered CCa, tubes brought unit into easy "Class A" territory, added Analysis Plus power cord which was more than a subtle change in all aspects. Not sure about phono pre section yet but am sure it is more than just ok-good-serviceable. Previous amp was Audion 300b, very nice but no oooommmphhh, so far enjoy this more, best wishes, cheapmike.
I currently have the Audion Silver Night MKII, and have it paired with Klipsch La Scala's. I love the sound. But I'm curious as to what type of music you generally like to listen to, and if you are using the DK with your Zingali monitors?
Congrats on the new amp!
The company is very real. I am now a dealer for their products and am rather impatiently awaiting arrival of stock of their integrated amplifier. I have a number of folks here in the Raleigh, NC area who are in line to take the amp for a demo swing in their systems.... I can tell you more about the sound very soon....
Boa2: I traded in the small Zingali studio monitor speakers, my MK I Silver Knight and Audion latest model phono pre on Zingali Overture II speakers, not here yet. The Silver Knight did not quite have enough power to rock the small Zingalis'. The phono pre I never really bonded with, it sounded good at dealers (Deets) compared to lesser Audio Note but had, to me, PRAT changes with different records. My intention was to replace Zingali with the substantially better Overture and better resolution of Audion MKII. Got side-tracked with the DK VS-1. (Overture sensitivity 93 db compared to 89 db of monitor). As it turns out, my old phono (Technics SL10 with very ho-hum Grado black) works very-very good with DK built-in phono section! I do not feel competent to review more formally phono due to limited quality input and my temporary use of old home-made speakers that have limited resolving abilities (waiting for Zingalis'to arrive).
My Music: "world" music, some popular, non-progressive jazz, vocals, no classical (due to lack of good quality sound on them, need to buy some better stuff).
Your La Scalas would seem to be good Audion match, best wishes, Mike.