Anyone heard of DK design group?

I have seen the DK VS-1 Reference Integrated Amplifier up for auction both here and on ebay. For the price and from the picture it looks great. However, No mention anywhere else aside from the company website:

Any comments from anyone
There is a tremendous amount of hype surrounding this amp, with many new dealers touting it as the holy grail. In addition, there is a recent slew of new A'gon members who rave about the product as well. I'm curious as to what you owners of the DK have owned (amplifier-wise) before discovering this 'audio nirvana'.

Thanks to a generous hosting by Cheapmike, I was able to hear the DK yesterday. I will reserve my comments until I am able to listen to it in my system.
By the way, knowing that Vegas is already full-up reserved, Cheapmike and his significant other invited me to share their hotel room at CES this year. Don't know if I can make it, but I have to say that I am constantly overwhelmed by the generosity and camaraderie of this community. I only met them yesterday!
All the best,
Not only is there a ton of hype about this product but there is no mention of reliability. Has any current owners has any problems? Do we know 6 months to a year from now if these are still going to be operating. If not do we know about there service and warranity? This maybe a great product but I would like a longer track record of the company and the product. By the way I will be interested in this product but I guess spending at least $3,000 I need a longer track record than a few months. Remember you are not just buying a product you also buying into the company.
Responding to Boa2's inquiry, I have the DK Design VS-1 MKII amp and before I sold them, had a chance to compare it directly to a CAT Ultimate MKII preamp alternatively feeding a pair of Cary 280 MB V12i monoblocks or a pair of Levinson 20.6 monoblocks. I sold off that equipment and kept the DK amp. The amp I was most using before the the DK were the Cary monoblocks. Before "settling" on those monoblocks, I bought, listened to, and sold a whole slew of amplifiers, including the 600w FPB Krells, the best Quicksilver monoblocks, the Cary stereo version on a single chassis at half the power, an Audio Research big tube amp, and a few others I don't recall offhand. (My memory is blocked from having to lift some of this really heavy stuff and from packing and unpacking it.) Don't worry. The DK Design VS-1 MKII is a seriously good amp worth much more than it costs. (I speak to the line stage only, and have not tried the phono stage) Also, I cannot speak to long term reliability. Finally, the Siemens CCa's make the amp sound very neutral. Believe me, it is a very good amp and a tremendous value.
I can't wait to hear this amp with other speakers. Thanks for the feedback, Kimballcorson. What I heard on the first go-round was very nice.