To Hot to Handle?

I have been contemplating the purchase of a tube amp. However, one of my concerns is the possible heat issues associated with running a tube amp (or mono blocs) with 12+ tubes during the summer in the Northeast. I do not have central air in my apartment.

Would it really be unbearable? I would appreciate comments from anyone with such experiences/solutions. Or, are there any 75+ watt tube amps in the under $2500 new/used category that don't run hot?

Thank you in advance,
I live in the Northeast in an non-air conditioned apartment and I use a 100w/ch tube amp(8xKT88)for the last twelve years without a problem. Don't worry about it. If you want tubes, go for it!
I have a small listening room and live in the Pacific Northwest. No air conditioning. I have a small solid-state rig that I move into the room during the summer months; I really can't take the heat from my vacuum tube amp.
Ahh, Dan.

I can see that you still have upgrade-itis and your taste seems to be changing as well. I didn't think you'd be selling the DNA125 for awhile, but I guess all the time you've been spending with Christy has filled your head with thoughts of warm, glowing...She told me she's gonna be appearing at some Erotica Expo here in LA in a few weeks. Do you mind if I get in some time with her? Heheh.

But back to your system. How do the Europas sound with the McCormack? Looking for a bit more warmth? Have you thought of the Rogue Magnum 120 monoblocks? Do you think the 60wpc BAT VK60 would cut the mustard? I know the VK60 will be hotter than Roselyn Sanchez after eating a bowl of Habanéro salsa. My solid state VK200 runs hot! Maybe the Rogues run cooler.

Good luck, Bro!

I have all the warmth I need when Christy is around, and I mean a-ROUND (OO) if you know what I mean. Too bad she is out doing Tequila body shots with you most of the time.

The McCormack/Europa combo is excellent, no complaints at all. I have also been considering the Gold Revision to the amp, but have been bitten by the tube bug somewhat.

I have thought of the Rogues, 150's though. Well see what I do. Impression I am getting though is that tubes and no AC don't mix too well. Maybe upgrade the McCormack and get a small tube amp for winter, or get an inexpensive SS and a nice tube amp.

I figure if you're going tubes, get you a 'otl' with about 20 or more tubes per. monoblock. Then figure a way to divert the heat to a collector for your hot water tank.