What amp to drive the MBL 101d's?

What amps would you recommend besides their 9011 or 9008 to drive the MBL 101d's?
Why not try a Krell? With speakers as insensitive as the MBLs, it would seem that a Krell is a natural choice: High power, high current too.

It might also be interesting to try a high-powered digital amp on them, such as a Spectron Musician.
dealer friend of mine used to use a pair of 400 watt Melos Tube amplifiers and still he felt they needed more power therefore I would suggest VTL 750 REFERENCE amplifiers
Big VTLs might work; I heard them with Jadis JA500s running in ultralinear mode(close to 450 watts) and they were good but I felt the speaker could use even more.
I am currently using a Forsell "The Statement" amplifier with excellent sounding results. The Forsell is also a very good looking match for our MBL 101D. If you have the opportunty I urge you to look into this combination!

Happy Listening!