Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
DEQX is a lot of time and expense. The whole point of going through that is to get correct output from one's transducers. That requires outdoor meaurement. Without correct setup, I personally don't think its worth the effort.
Bombaywalla - Without re-reading my earliest posts, I believe I may have mentioned my reaction from the very first time I played the DEQX corrected system. I swore out loud - it was that good compared to what I was familiar with. That was from the initial (indoor) measurement

Over extended listening I noticed the slight nasal quality and after re-running the measurements outside I was able to eradicate this. I expect a first time listener may not notice that, or more likely, others may not be as critical as I am
It's important to realize that you do not have to use the speaker correction functionality (the part of the DSP that is best with measurements taken outside).

The DEQX has other functions - digital pre-amp, digital crossover and room correction that make it great even without the speaker correction.

The better the speakers the less improvement from speaker correction (as the drivers will be closer to flat and better pair matched).

With speakers like YG or ATC the improvements from speaker correction are small (but still noticeable).

The sound quality of the DEQX is good enough without speaker correction that I think it stands up as an exceptional product even without turning on the speaker correction.
Thanks Al. I enjoy and appreciate your posts :) In 20's I took a degree in accounting. No math; just use of an adding machine. I enjoyed Philosophy and logic and appreciate yours. KUTGW. Cheers :) Pete