Preamp for JRDG 302 + Avalon Eidolon

I am looking for a pre-amp to match with my Jeff Rowland 302, Avalon Eidolon, MIT Oracle V1. Any comments or suggestions would be most appreciated.

ie. Coherence, Synergy IIi, CAT Ultimate, FM acoustic
gland you posted this thread; I also have a Rowland 302 and Eidolon Diamonds but running mine direct with a Wadia. I would also be interested in the preamp thoughts out there.......
When I purchased my Spectral SDR3000 from an respected audio reviewer, (he was in fact reviewing the 302) He had a highly modified Meitner preamp. Absolutely awesome setup
with the Avalon Eidolons (non diamond)!
My friend uses a ARC Ref. 1 with his Eidolons. His phono preamp is an Aesthetix Rhea.

FYI: His amp(s) are currently either a SS Classe 401 or the VTL MB 450 monoblocks. Both amps sound great, btw.

His system is the one that I admire the most of any I have heard, even including stereo dealers. It sounds really musical and the speakers just seem to disappear! (I wish I could have afforded the Eidolons! Someday maybe!)