Tube amps for classical music FU29 vs EL34

I'm not familuar with the sound of different tubes/tube amps. I have a a Jadis intergrated has 4 KT90's, and has a good sound, but the speakers limit the amp. Soon to be rectified, new speakers with a 87db rating late this summer. But I'd like to get another amp for primary system, keep the Jadis for a second system. I'm looking at 2 tube amps, one has 4 EL34's the other 4FU29's, both intergrated amps. I'm guessing the EL's will sound like the KT90's, and have more bass end. But with classical, I can forgo some "punch". The FU's look like it may offer more complexity in the mids, for orchestration and vocals/opera. Right track?
I agree with Mwilson above. To add to sound characteristics, the generic EL34 is usually more "neutral" than the 6550 (that's warmer). I don't know the FU29.
OTOH, I'm not sure about getting away with 2xEL34/channel...
For classical, you need detail and dynamic capabilities and energy. Room acoustics aside, speaker specs should be considered carefully: yr 87db spkrs will give a nominal ~70-75 db at listening position. A ~45W/channel amp should yield (nominal again) ~16db (spl) swings from 1W before clipping...
i.e. ~86-90db at listening position before clipping. Not much!
I'd suggest more efficient spkrs for the amps under consideration.
Finally, a side question: why relegate the Jadis to a 2nd system? Is it the Orchestra? It's a good amp, and expensive to improve upon! (IMO, etc)
So the KT88/90's are a good balanced tube, which oust the EL34. I'll have to ck to see if the amp has the ability to take different tubes. But that may not be the solution. Obviously the amp will still have a certain "flavor" no matter which tube. So the better thing would be to A/B the EL amp with the FU amp. Which I do not have access to.. My friend had a single ended 300B with the Silverline 4 way speaker/db93,high sensitivity. I just found classical orchestra to lack some depth, and that might be from the lack of the octaves in the lower bass region. But the sound on jazz was superclean, except the male voice has a slight bark/wooden sound in certain octaves. The Jadis Orch/Ref is a good amp, I'm just ready to move on to another bigger amp.(the other amp/Cayin EL @ $1400, Cayin FU @ ,guessing ....ah could be out my price range). So the EL is about the same/less than the $2100 Jadis/new. BTW, I can't read specs, nor the elemental tech stuff, kindly posted from Greg. The speakers I plan to get are the Seas Thor/4 ohm speaker. The Cabasse MTM's are much higher efficiency, but I must have the Seas' tweeter in my system, so the amp has to be chosen around the speaker, not the other way.
Considering the Thor's impedance curves, it would look like a stronger (than ~40W) tube amp is needed. I would wait to get the speakers and try them out using the existing Jadis as a reference point. Cheers
Its FU29, not 4FU. The 300B is a single ended amp, so requires a sensitive db rating 92+ speaker. That part I understand from experience. The FU29 amp, Cayin 500, I'm not sure what kind of amp it is. Also does anyone know if the Cayin 734 will accept KT's?
Hello Bartokfan. I can concurr with M wilson's experience regarding bass response with both the el-34 and KT-88/6550 tubes. Grgm's solid advice on waiting until you get your speakers is a very astute piece of advise.Depending on your room size of course???? will more than likely need a little more muscle,especially considering your speakers nominal impedence of 4 ohms. The jadis amplifiers are one of a handful of tube amplifiers that seem to respond well to a speaker with a low impedence due to there excellent output transformers and a 2 ohm tap.Most typical el-34 based tube amps will have a tougher time with 4 ohm load.The only el-34 equivalent tube that will give you the bass foundation and slam of a kt-88 is the original Genelec KT-77. The el-34 tube is a power pentode whereby the Kt-77 is a beam power tube like the kt-88 and can be succesfully substituted for an el-34 providing the screen-grid ratings of an el-34 are observed.Unfortunately... the Kt-77 is very scarce and typically very very expensive.Sonically.... the Kt-77 is a truly amazing tube when optimized in an el-34 circuit.It is even more liquid in the mids than a good nos mullard el-34 but possess's the bass drive and resolution of the Kt-88.The top end response of the Kt-77 is second to none and will easily trump any kt-88 or kt-90[genelec kt-88's included] Caveat....Using a kt-77 in a el-34 circuit will "not" give you any more power than an el-34. Best of luck on your endevour. Cheers David