Tube amps for classical music FU29 vs EL34

I'm not familuar with the sound of different tubes/tube amps. I have a a Jadis intergrated has 4 KT90's, and has a good sound, but the speakers limit the amp. Soon to be rectified, new speakers with a 87db rating late this summer. But I'd like to get another amp for primary system, keep the Jadis for a second system. I'm looking at 2 tube amps, one has 4 EL34's the other 4FU29's, both intergrated amps. I'm guessing the EL's will sound like the KT90's, and have more bass end. But with classical, I can forgo some "punch". The FU's look like it may offer more complexity in the mids, for orchestration and vocals/opera. Right track?
Hi Bartokfan. I believe you can also run an el-34 in the Jadis da 30 as well as the kt-90, although you will certainly have to re-bias the output tubes to do this. Biasing any Jadis amplifier is a bit of an exercise as they are not the easiest amp to rebias.None the less, any Jadis amplifier is an incredibly musical instrument and most certainly a very expensive proposition to better.While I have never heard the Kalin in my own rig...I find it difficult to believe it would better the Jadis no matter what the tube choice may be. Best of luck.
Your speakers, simply put, are NOT tube friendly. 87db just doesn't cut it. If you want some strong, tight bass at reasonable volumes, you should consider at least 90db speakers if not more.
Your EL34 amp is probably 40 watts. To drive your speakers to 90db takes double the wattage. This really adds up:
1 watt = 87db
2 watts = 90db
4 watts = 93db
Your 40 watt amp on 87db speakers will net you approximately 103db. If you had a pair of 94db speakers, the same amps would produce approximately 110db. Rule of thumb is you double your "perceived" volume for every 10db increase.
Also, keep in mind that bass uses the bulk of the power. So, if bass is an issue, you should be looking at something like 100watt amps.
Hello Again Bartokfan. Yes, the Da 60 would be the logical choice for your speakers and must be considered one of the finest sounding integrated's on the planet by anyones standards.It can also be optimized for the el-34,kt-77,kt-88 and kt-90. PS: there is a Da-60 presently for sale here on the Gon for a song,a no brainer at $2600!
IMHO, the best setup I've ever heard with classical music came from lower power amp with coxial speakers.
I heard this setup while walking around in Akihabara "The electronic town" in Tokyo back in 1998. These Jensen imperials are the best by far. The depth and with of sound stage is amazing.

I've heard B&W nautilus 801s with Nakamichi Nero ( propane tank shape ) amp and it was very good too. However, it is still sounded "aritificial" when compared to the old Jensens.

You'll only realize the difference once you hear them.

Happy listening
As I remeber Jadis used KT-88's in the origional amps and they pushed the hell out of the tube, thats why the Chinese KT-88 did not hold up since it was really rated for 35 watts plate dispation and the screen was 4 watts.
The best choice of tube would be the JJ-KT-88 or the winged C KT-88 true Svetlana not the new sensor KT-88 that says Svetlana.
EL-43 is a great tube but at best its a 25 watt tube and the screen disapation is really not rated for the power pushed in Jadis since its ultra linear tap, although a 1k- 2 watt reaistor could be inserted on pin 4 for the screen tap.
this will take the heat off the screen of the EL-34's, KT-90 was molded around sweep tube design, but has a screen voltage increase so it could be run ultra linear screen tap configuration rather than most sweep tubes running 250 volts max screen.
KT-77 is a good tube but where can you find them now I sold my stock of 10 NOS KT-77's years ago and I find the 6CA7 to be equal to the KT-77 and Groove tubes has a nice American 6CA7-GE worth looking at.