Multichannel amp s for an all B&W system?

I have an EAD Theatermaster Ovation Plus and B&W Matrix speakers (801 Series 3 mains, HTM1 center, SCM-8 surrounds).

I'm currently of the opinion that my Krell KAV-500i amp is the weak link in my system, so I'd like to upgrade. There's a slightly dark, mechanical, airless quality to the sound that I'd really like to get rid of. I suspect it's the Krell because that's exactly the sound I heard from the Krell Home Theater Standard pre/pro when I demoed it against the EAD Theatermaster.

The Krell amp is 100wpc and has great bass control. I'm seriously considering the EAD Powermaster amp, but I'm not sure if I should go with the 200wpc PM1000 or the 400wpc PM2000. Would the PM1000 risk sounding wimpier than the Krell?

What other amps I should consider? I'm looking for ones that err on the side of liquid, airy, and unfatiguing, but not at the expense of bass control or detail (isn't everyone?).

You should check out the Sherbourn amp or the newly factory-direct Gemstone Audio amp. Their website is
I am not familiar with the EAD amps, though I would agree that the Krell may be your weak link, currently. My thoughts would be to check out a Theta Digital Dreadnaught II. You can configure it how you like - say, 225W x 3, 100w x 2 or 4 - and I really like how Theta amps sound.
The two 5-channel amps that I'd audition if I were in the market are the Theta Dreadnaught (the original Dreadnaught is a great used buy) and the Bryston 9B-SST. If you use your system mainly for music, you might also consider getting a 2-channel amp for the main speakers and a 3-channel amp for the center and surround speakers (or a 3-channel amp for the left, center, and right speakers, and a 2-channel amp for the surround speakers).
I use to have the Powermaster 2000 with 400watts and it is an excellent amplifier and extremely musical with my EAD Signature.. I only sold it to buy Lamm's for my 2 channel system.. the Sunfire I bought to replace is not in the same league as the EAD but is cheap...
Thanks for the suggestions, you've given me some new options to consider. The Classe and Theta seem especially worth evaluating against the PM2000.