Tube Whine noise...Please Help

Hi everyone.

As a newbe to tubes I am having a problem that I need some help on. I just received my Musical Design SP-2 preamp and while it sounds wonderful, occationally there is a high frequency whine/whistling noise coming from one or both speakers. The SP-2 uses 2 6922 that the previous owners said were NOS RCA types. I want to know if the tubes went bad and needs replacing or if there is another problem that I need to look for. Thanks
Thanks everyone for your help. An update on my original problem: I replaced my tubes with 2 NOS JAN Phillips 6922s and the ringing is gone. Now that I know the problem was caused by bad tubes, I will start tube rolling with better NOS soon.
I would like to add to this forum by saying the SP-2B is a zero negative feedback design & as a result it will require specific tubes that are suitable for this design. Best to purchase a matched pair from Musical Design/ John Hillig who has done extensive research & testing on the right tubes for the SP-2B, that will work properly without exhibiting microphonics and the above mentioned problem. This is the best way to go.
I had the same issue (same tubes)-John suggested reseating the tubes--it worked.
Hi Orind, by reseating them, do you mean removing the tubes & reinstalling them?
Jig is pulling your leg. ALL tubes operate on the principle of "thermionic emissions". Without thermionic emission the cathode would emit no electrons and the tube would just be a pretty piece of glass. The noise you are experiencing is oscillation or "feedback" caused by the physical elements inside the tube being too suseptable to external vibrations. BWT, RCA did not manufacture a 6922; they relabled. If it says "made in germany" odds are it is a Siemens. Holland or USA likely Amperex.