Tube preamp, Leave On Always or ON/OFF?

Should I leave my TUBE preamp ON always or only turn it on when I am using it? Thanks
the VK-50SE does not allow you to put it in stand-by from a remote. It can only be done by pushing the power button

I hear you. Annoying, isn't it? At least it can be woken up from stand-by using the remote.

Raquel, that is interesting. You never replaced the tubes in your 3 preamps in 14 years despite leaving them on 24/7?

I'm going your route, and don't worry if I didn't get the same results. I'll just have to get those tubes replaced if their life span come to an end.
Long ago I had a Marantz 7 in which I had not replaced the tubes for over 5 years. When I did, I was shocked at the improvement. Tubes are deteriorating all the time.