Monoblock Suggestion?

What brand of monoblocks is recommend with Dali's MS5 in order to obtain their full potencial. I'm looking to monoblocks in particular that will handle the 4 ohms load this speakers have and that won't run out of steam.Maybe a used brand that represent a good value.Maybe new?

Electronic Visionary Systems is coming out with a digital amp in the very near future. They are being beta tested right now. They aren't monoblocks per se, but I suspect they can be used as such, provided you purchase two of course.
I have Magnepan 1.6's which is a very demanding speaker and use a Innersound esl amp (600w/4 ohms) which powers them great and doesn't run out of steam. The Innersound esl 800 monoblocks are 1200w/4 ohms.
Are this Innersound amp really efficient? How good are they compare to the rest I'd mention before?
I have used Carver Silver 9t monoblocks on my Infinity Kappa 9 speakers. These speakers dip to amp-killing low impendances and the Carvers handle them just fine with good authority. You can find a pair of the Carver monoblocks for around $1100 to $1500 used. 550 wpc @ 8 ohms, 900 wpc @ 4 ohms and about 1200 wpc @ 2 ohms. Try a pair, you can easily sell them for what you pay for them.

You mentioned that so few people who viewed the post one earlier poster noted, you did not mention a budget