Monoblock Suggestion?

What brand of monoblocks is recommend with Dali's MS5 in order to obtain their full potencial. I'm looking to monoblocks in particular that will handle the 4 ohms load this speakers have and that won't run out of steam.Maybe a used brand that represent a good value.Maybe new?

"Does anyone have any first hand experience with the Parasound Halo JC 1 ?"

Sure, I have owned a pair for 2 years. Initially they were my reference until I modded some older Adcom GFA-585's. They gathered dust for about a year until I finally modded them. Now they are my reference again. In stock form, the JC-1's are a bit hazy and undynamic in the upper frequencies. A bit of HF sibilance, but this can be fixed. The only amps that will have better bass control than the JC-1's on your Dali's is a Carver Pro ZR1600, but one you have to get modded to be decent.
The problem with Innersound, Coda and Continuum (all designed by the same guy) is that they dont use global negative feedback. This makes them very airy at the HF, but at the expense of bass control. I have three Codas myself that I use for HT.
If you haven't already chosen amps, consider using a pair of tubed stereo amps in mono. With a tubed amp, one merely runs the 2 channels in parallel and ends up with the combined power into half the indicated output impedance. For instance, an inexpensive c-j MV75, rated at 75 WPC into 4, 8, or 16 ohms, becomes a monoamp capable of 150 watts into 2 or 4 or 8 ohms. There are lots of medium-power, stereo, tubed amps (such as the c-j Premier Eleven) that are excellent candidates.

I'm currently running a new-to-me c-j Premier Eleven-A (70WPC) in stereo driving my quite-efficient (94dBA) L/R speakers and just bought an inexpensive c-j MV75A that I'll use as a 150-watt monoamp to drive my low-efficiency (85dBA) Aerial CC3B centerchannel speaker.

Good luck.