Classe or McIntosh

I have the Cam 200s and have an itch to own vintage tube amps.I like the looks of the MC60s,but how do they compare.Will I be making a mistake?
Old mac isn't what it's hyped up to be. Repairs are a lot, the sound isn't great and they aren't the best looking. I'd rather take the same money and buy newer quicksilver monos.
I had older tube Mc's and then went to a pair bigger SS Mc's. The SS gave much more detail. .... BUT:

I replace the two big Mc's with the smallest, cheapest Krell which blew the Mc's away.

PS> I now have huge Krells
I read a lot of threads in here and the general opinion on Mcintosh MC60 is that they don't sound the greatest.
On the other hand I would love to find a good deal on MR 71
MR 78 OR 80 vintage FM tuner.Why don't you try Quicksilver Mono's as it was mentioned or Rogue M150's mono's.I got the Rogue's and I am happy.
You are really talking about 2 completely different animals here. A vintage tube amp vs a relatively new SS amp are two very different things and you shouldn't expect them to compare the same. It will also be very dependent on your other source equipment and especially your speakers. You will not get the bass control with the Mac that you currently would get from the Classe and the highs will sound more rolled off. On the other hand the Classe will not have the midrange "magic" of a vintage amp. I've owned a Classe CA 200 and now have a Mac 2012 tube amp. This might be a closer comparison, but even though they are both new designs, a person really needs to hear both to decide which they would like better.
I have the Cremona Auditors.I know ther is no comparison,I just have never heard the MC60s.