Good tube preamp w/ HT bypass

I've finally decided to snag an AVM30 for my pre-pro, and aragon 8008 amps for my amplification (or Sherbourne 7/2100 - I bought both, and will sell whichever I like less).

However, I keep hearing about tubes! I don't have any experience with them, but I'd love to give it a try. I've read that by combining SS amplification with tube preamps, I can preserve the bass control of the SS w/ the midrange of tubes.

SO - are there any preamps you can recommend to me to try and/or demo? I need it to have HT bypass, so I can use my HT rig separately from this...

I've read the Rogue Magnum 66 is good... The audio research sp-16l is supposed to be good... And the TAD-150 was recommended to me ( but I can't find any other information on it.

Non tube pres that have been recommended to me are the sonic euphoria plc and adcom 750; but i'm not sure if either would better the avm30.

Oh; budget would be $500-1000, used or new. Thanks for any recommendations!

Thanks for the reply! I think I need to get my hands on a few and try them out. So far, the CJ PV14l, anthem pre2l, cary slp2002, and the SF line 1-2 all sound good. I need to do a little research on them and see what the processor loops do on each...

I wish Utah wasn't in the middle of nowhere for tube equipment; most of the dealers here give you a blank look and a stare when tubes are brought up. "Why would you want to move backwards in technology?" one of them told me. Uugh.
Is there a reason why you are committed to tubes? I would think one should choose on the basis of sound and auditioning and keep one's options open.

No, not really; I've just heard good things from tubes lately, and really been interested. I supposed I could pick up an adcom gfp-750 and run it in passive w/ HT bypass engaged; that wouldn't add any sonic signature. And it seems to be highly rated....
I just checked the schematics for the SF Line series and the HT bypass is a complete bypass: No active circuitry except for switching.


Wow, great! Thanks for that information!

I just bought a line-1 here, but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm hoping it's what I am looking for; I've read that they are very neutral; I hope it's not so transparent that my numerous poorly recorded CD's don't sound too bad to listen to! ;-)

To ask you another question Kal; how long do tubes usually last, and how do I know when they go 'bad'?