Pass labs X600


I would like to know, what amp from another manufacturer is comparable to the Quality and potencial of the Pass X600 regardles of price. What amp can be consider to be as good as the X600. I'm in the market for a pair of monoblocks, but seems that I won't be able to find any X600 any time soon, so I need another options? Also what make Pass labs X600 so heavy? is it worth the weight?Any help will be apreciated before I make a decision.

I really think Muralman1 is on to something good with the H20's.
His speakers are unthinkably demanding in the greatest sense of being and show everything that's in front of them, no doubt. I have original literature on them too !! (I happen to like them a lot)
The H20's seem to be the begining of a new era, they have unlimited power reserves, run cool as a cucumber and are way more dependable.
I'd put a tubed output cd player in front of them, like a Jolida JD-100 or Audio Aero Prima, then you'd be talking music.
(I'm sure your Dalis would benefit, also a good tube preamp would not be out of the question)
We there are also the FPB series of amps from Krell that, like the Pass, are also Class A circuits.
I would suggest that you save your money and consider a Pass Aleph series amp. If you need a lot of power, you
can wait for used Aleph 1.2's to come up for sale on Audiogon. These monoblocks are 200 watt/channel of pure class A, unlike the X600 which switches over to class AB after a few watts. This should be enough power for all but the most demanding applications. A fully class A amp
cannot easily be built to the wattages of the X600 (too
many problems with heat dissipation), but amps fully biased as Class A, such as the Alpeh, tend to sound like much bigger amps than their wattage ratings indicate. If you are interested in musicality, neutrality as well as a natural and detailed sound, you would be very hard-pressed to find nearly any solid state amps which will give you as much. They are not nearly as "pretty" as those X600s, they will get much hotter. but their sweetness,
musicality and lack of electronic signature is unsurpassed, even by the X600, which, although the electronic signature is slight, is still there. And they are cheaper. You'll just have to wait for a pair to come available on the used market.
The H20 website should be up sometime in the next week or so. I just picked up a pair of the H20 "Signature" Monoblocks last Friday. They have been burning in since. You should be able to click on my virtual system thread which has a link to the Apogee user forum which has much info as well as a few reviews. I was reading all of the buzz on these new amps and drove up to meet Henry in Virginia and listen to his monoblocks on the Scintilla's. After listening to about 1/3 of the "demo" cd's I brought in tow with my preamp, I verbally placed my order with Henry - opting to go with his "signature" upgrade to the monoblocks.

I will reserve judgement until the amps have a few hundred hours on them, however after hearing the "standard" monoblocks on the Scintilla's I began to understand why people were selling their Pass Labs X600's, VTL 450's, eAR, Bel Canto EvoII, etc. amps in favor of these amps.

H20 may not be a known "audiophile" brand at this time... I don't think it will take long for the word to hit the street.