Feickert blackbird, kuzma 4 point which cartridge

İ am planning to buy a new cartridge for feickert blackbird tt, kuzma4 point tonearm, full asr electronics. İ have budget around 5k. Lyra, koetsu, shelter, dynavector, zyx, miyajima, ortofon are very popular i think. İ never had a chance to listen except ortofon models. Reviews are very confusing. İ really like to hear your opinions about these manufacturer models, and your recommendations.
Those two cartridges are very different. I believe the Transfiguration Proteus to be the more natural sounding. The Lyra Titan i is very revealing and articulate, but may sound thin in your system.

If your system was a bit on the warm side, and you were looking for some more speed and resolution, I would recommend the Lyra, but as you state that you would prefer not to add or subtract from your current very natural sound, I would recommend the Transfiguration.
I own both a Lyra Titan and a Transfiguration Orpheus L. I like both cartridges--the Lyra has a touch more open and airy top end, the Transfiguration has a bit more prominence in the upper midrange. Neither is really a "warm" cartridge, as I would use that term for something like Koetsu wooden-body cartridges (upper bass, lower midrange prominence). Perhaps the Titan leans a bit toward being harder and sounding, but, it also delivers an exciting sound.

I have not heard the Proteus, but, given Transfiguration's recent track record, I am sure it is a fine cartridge too. I haven't had my Transfiguration long enough to compare it with the Titan for stylus wear, but, I can say that every Lyra I have had has lasted a VERY long time.


There are so many good cartridges out there and system matching and particular taste can be so specific as to make suggestions somewhat unhelpful. I have heard great systems using all of the major brands, and some you have not mentioned (e.g., Allaerte). To a significant degree, your choice will be a gamble.

I have had the luck of finding local dealers that allowed for reasonably long term auditions (one or two weeks) of the cartridges I chose. One dealer has even allowed regular customers to take home a $12,000 cartridge for audition. I did not try any sort of comparison in my cartridge auditions--the evaluation was more in the line of whether I liked the sound or not. This sort of thing is NOT common, so I sympathize with your "problem."

I know this is somewhat compounding your problem by mentioning another cartridge, but, I would also add the Dynavector XX-2 to the candidate list. A friend bought one and traded in a much more expensive Transfiguration Orpheus. In his particular system, this is a great cartridge.