Feickert blackbird, kuzma 4 point which cartridge

İ am planning to buy a new cartridge for feickert blackbird tt, kuzma4 point tonearm, full asr electronics. İ have budget around 5k. Lyra, koetsu, shelter, dynavector, zyx, miyajima, ortofon are very popular i think. İ never had a chance to listen except ortofon models. Reviews are very confusing. İ really like to hear your opinions about these manufacturer models, and your recommendations.
But I can easily say economic advantage of this deal is %50 percent of my decision.

Most Audiophiles think, any product sounds even better when they got a good Quote for it.

Unfortunately, top Performance has more to do with brain, average will be average, no matter for what price.

i did not express myself. i found a top performer cartridge with a good price. i am not buying because it is cheaper. Also i do not believe the things, some components performs ten times of it price. You get what you paid. i am totaly thinking like you. But if i found a good deal in my target cartridges, tonearms etc. Never miss.
The Titan is a fine choice. For setup, I found it to be relatively insensitive to changes in loading, but, it is somewhat sensitive to changes in VTA/SRA. I found that small changes are audible (more than is the case with my Orpheus anyway). It is also pretty easy to mate with most MC phonostages because of its decent output.
Larryi what do you prefer for loading ohm also how many hours it takes burn in for a stable performance ?