Advice for high end tube preamp for ss amp HELP

Hello all audiogon friends. I have so much appreciation for all of you who take the time to answer my questions and give great advice time and time again. My newest question is advice for getting into a tube preamp. I currently have a krell ksa-100s amp paired with a krell krc preamp and do really enjoy the combo. I am thinking that maybe a high end tube preamplifier would be a wise move. I think I would benefit from a little warmer sound as I have extremely revealing Coincident Super Eclipse speakers. My requirements would be excellent reputation, user friendliness, ht pass thru, and compatablilty with my krell ksa 100s. I am thinking along the lines of BAT, ARC, or Thor. I will be buying used hopefully 1,000-2500 if it is worth it. These are just based on reading reviews, and opinions of others. I know auditioning would be best, but that isn't possible for me. I will have to buy based on help from my a'gon friends. Thanks to all for making me love this hobby.
Another possibility, with phono, is the Cary SLP-98, which can be had used in your price. The Cary SLP-88 is also very nice, and can be had for even less. I am actually using the SLP-88 with a solid state amp (Belles 150 A) in my second system to good effect.
The ARC LS 16 has what you need and I like mine alot. It will be hard to part with.
Rogue Magnum 99 has a good reputation too,tubed,metal remote,separate power supply and phono .Price is down to earth and company has excellent customer service.Sonic Frontiers is no longer in bussiness and that is a negative IMO.
I have owned both, the Rogue Magnum 99 and the Cary SLP98. I found the Cary a much better match for a ss amp, it brought a greater sence of a tube signature to the sound, that the Rogue lacked.

FWIW, both preamps were auditioned by Stereophile with great reviews, and in Chip Sterns conclusion of the Rogue he said its sound was somewhat "dry". I also found this true.

Both companys have excellent customer service, and when you call dont be surprised if either Dennis Had (Cary), or Mark O'Brien (Rogue),pick up the phone and answer your questions.