Rogue 99 vs. BAT 3i

Anyone compare these pre amps. I'm ready to upgrade a bit .
Assoc.eq : ss amp, arcam cdp [ next upgrade],tuner
no phono needed.currently have aragon 24 + anthem.
Even if you have not heard both please chime in with an opinion.thanks in advance for the help.
* jazz,rock..mostly live recordings.
I had the Rogue Magnum 99 and found it less than ideal. As Kek23 points out. The circuit board layout and tube removal was killing me. I thought for sure everytime I changed the tubes out that I had broke the Rogue. Also as Kek23 points out, you do always know the 99 is in the circuit.
I hated the remote. It wasn't that it was loud, which it is. (very loud) I could never get to the desired volume level. It was to broad of a change.
I replaced it with a AES/ AE-1. Which I love. I have almost sold it here twice, but reconsidered after offers were made. And in the end always decided to keep it. Point to point wiring in my mind is the only way to go in a tubed preamp.
But, many customers are very satisfied with the ((. I am just offering my opinion.
I own a Rogue M99 and feel the above comments are over harsh. Yes, the remote makes a sound through the speaker when you operate it, but it has never been a big issue for me. The $6000 Pass X-1 makes clicking sounds when the remote is operated. I find this to be a non-issue. On a motorized volume control, as opposed to a digital one, small volume changes are more difficult. However, I simply have a quick finger on the volume button, and am able to do fine with volume changes.

The circuit board does flex a little when changing tubes, but I have done many tube changes without a problem. Perhaps a thicker board would be ideal, but if you look at the overall construction of this piece, it is built like a brick Sxxx-house.

I do not consider this a 'dry' preamp. ARC is dry. Cary is overwarm and colored. Depends on your perspective. If comparing the Rogue to a transistor preamp, it sounds pretty warm to me, and is overall a great sounding product that lets you enjoy the music (with good tubes!).
Yes the comments are somewhat harsh. And I also understand that there are a lot of satisfied owners of the 99 out there.
It is a great country we live in, isn't it?
We all can form our own opinions, and speak our mind.
It is even more fantastic that we are fortunate enough to be able to own products like this.
God bless america!!
I just didn't like the 99. I used it for almost a year.
It is all personal preference. I also enjoy amps and preamps that have the tubes exposed. I don't like having to remove covers to get at the tubes for rolling.
I think Rogue makes a pretty good product. I own a pair of Magnum 120's that I am fairly happy with. Although I can't really afford to look for a better pair, or I would consider it.
If the person that posted is in a situation such as myself. Where you have not a hi-end store within several hundred miles. The only thing you can do is try to buy at a reasonable price and try it. If you don't like it, move on and sell it.
Kevziek, my comments on the Rogue Magnum 99 were not meant to upset you or anyone else. Lvk47 asked for oppinions concerning this preamp and I responded, as did Scottht.

Yes the 99 is well built solid piece of equipment; but solid doesnt translate into sound. The motorized volume control is erratic and noisy on the Rogue, while the motorized volume control on the Cary is right on and silent. I found the 99 to be very microphonic, touch any button or turn either of the selector switches and your speakers will pick this up.

Dry yes, I thought the Rogue was rather dry....sounding closer to solid state. Speding over $2000 on a preamp you shouldnt find as many of these inherent problems all in the same unit.
Microphonics was definatly an issue with mine also. But then again I have heard people say that they didn't experience this problem with theirs. I will also say that the Rogue team is pretty good to deal with.
I tried many, many different tubes trying to eliminate the microphonics, but I never did get rid of it.