Rogue 99 vs. BAT 3i

Anyone compare these pre amps. I'm ready to upgrade a bit .
Assoc.eq : ss amp, arcam cdp [ next upgrade],tuner
no phono needed.currently have aragon 24 + anthem.
Even if you have not heard both please chime in with an opinion.thanks in advance for the help.
* jazz,rock..mostly live recordings.
If you have microphonic problems with all the tubes you've used, then you've gotten microphonic tubes pawned off on you by some of the greedy and dishonest tube dealers of whom there are enough. I have the inexpensive Russian NOS which Rogue used to provide - no microphonics. I have RCA's & Sylvania which have none or very low microphonics. I can touch any of the buttons or the case on my unit and not hear microphonic reactions.

Regarding the volume control, I owned two Rogue 99's, and neither had the problem you describe to such a magnitude. When I make small to moderate volume changes at higher volumes, I hardly hear the motor noise at all. It is only at low volume levels that there is a slight motor noise heard through the speakers, but, again, I don't find it unacceptable, and I'm pretty fussy.

It is recommended that the preamp and power amp be plugged into the same outlet. I had some ground loop hum with tube amps connected, but with solid state, it doesn't matter where I used two different outlets or not.

No, the noise floor is not as low as some units, but I believe this has to do with the simplicity of the circuit, and this simplicity of "Keep-it-simple-stupid" may allow the preamp to sound more musical and less processed and damped down sounding. That's what my ears tell me.
Kevziek, the tubes that I was using in the Rogue came from various sources ....the supplied NOS Russians that came with the unit, 2 complete sets of NOS RCA, Phillips, from Mark Obrien (Rogue), 2 complete sets NOS RCA, Sylvania from Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Andy is extremely knowledgable and repected in the world of tubes, and screens all of his tubes. I have used all of these same tubes in my current preamp and they dont show the signs of being microphonic as they did in the Rogue.

Kevzeik you mentioned you owned 2 99's, so you liked what you heard in the Rogue units. I wanted to hear what others were raving about, but im sorry it just wasnt there, I didnt hear it. The Rogue on the used market may very well be a good upgrade for someone.

This hobby is so subjective from equipment, speakers and cables being used. Its like politics or religion; everyone has their own oppinion or set of beliefs, and that doesnt make them wrong. You liked the Rogue , I didnt....neither of us are wrong. One thing that we might agree on is that this hobby has the tendecy to be costly.
This could go on forever and it shouldn't. Lets just say you like the Rogue and we don't.
Now lets have fun!
Interesting nobody has mentioned the BAT so far.
Rogue preamp I've heard but no BAT. I think it's a good product with it's own ups and downs that might or not suit you depending of your travelled path and as some of the posters before mentions can be an upgrade for many...
Anyone really having experience with both preamps?
Thanks everyone..enjoying the great debate.Sol makes a good point...any opinions on the BAT. I'm using an aragon 24k and would like to try some tubes. Once again Thanks