Tube amp to drive MBL 101's

I am looking for some tube amp suggestions to drive the 83db MBL 101's.
"Do you or don't you have experience with MBL 101(c,d or e's) paired with VTL, tube research labs and CAT?"

Yes. Do you? I didn't think so. You seem to depend on specs which are fine for newbies. For you "more watts" are "better" which demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the nature of electrical power.

"I am wondering if I might be better off thinking about using ss amps instead of the tube approach."

No. Although it's pretty hard to argue against mbl's own ss amps which are wonderful with mbl speakers and are second only on these speakers to the CAT amps in my experience.
Speakerdude- Why not share your experiences with the other amps, I am really quite curious. You seem to feel that I am trying to cause turmoil when I am in fact VERY curious about this. I know the CAT's are great amps, and if you, along with others feel they drive the 101's with aplomb- great! So instead of making condescending remarks about me, please share your experiences with these amps and these speakers(also let me know what other associated equipment we are using). This is a forum after all and we can all stand to learn something from time to time.
"If you are not trying to go over 95 db average SPL I can whole heartedly recommend the JL-3's (they may play louder but i can't vouch for their efficacy)on the 101 e's"

My experience with the 101d's is that an average 95db or so is the upper limit of the loudspeaker itself in a large room. In a smaller room, of course, you can reach into the low 100's before a speaker-derived metallic edge creeps in.
Speakerdude, What is your definition of a large room? My room is 15x20x10. Where does this fit in?
From my perspective your room size is moderate. How the speaker will perform from an ultimate spl level is very much dependent on how the room is decorated, what's on the walls and floors, etc. If your room is fairly lively and you're not a headbanger you are unlikely to hit the threshold of speaker metallicism. If, conversely, your room is on the dead side and you like to rock out, the mbl and/or its associated amplifier could be taxed beyond their respective limits.