intergrated for rock and dance and blues

wife and i need a intergrated for the 2nd room 12x16ft and we have done some small research on the GON and come to a small list based on new and used prices and looks and reviews.
naim nait 5i
blue circle CS
roksan caspian
we like mainly rock and dance music and also blues and female voices and acoustic guitars,she likes to boogie and i'm a musician that listens to the mix...we both like an UNCLUTERED listining(can hear all instruments clearly)
any one here on the GON have one of these amps i have listed and did they suit the music i am listing.....also what speakers did you own?....i preffer monitors...

If I may add one more integrated to your list, audition the NAD C320BEE ($400 list) ... it is both very musical and detailed sounding and a real bargain. I have owned one very happily for two years now ... use it daily ... and have no desire to replace it. In a 12 X 16 room, the NAD's power (50 wpc) with reasonably efficient monitors should do you very well. Without knowing your budget for speakers, I would take a look at the Omega Super 3 narrow ($540 new).

From you list, the Naim and Roksan have a particularly appealing musicality to them ... I auditioned them both extensively, though I went with Musical Fidelity (got a ridiculously super price) in my main system .

Hope that I have not muddied this any for you.

Regards, Rich
I have only heard the Nait5i, and liked it very much. Still, I preferred the Audio Aero Prima Hybrid. Warmer, better instrument separation, and tighter bass. I'm sorry, I've not heard the other amps on your list.