Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE

Curent System:
Ayre V-5x amp
Levinson 390S CDP directly driving the Ayre
Dynaudio Contour 3.0 Speakers
Au24 speaker cables, Audience Power Cord, PS Audio P300 for CDP, Cardas Golden Cross XLR IC

As much as I like the transparency of the CDP directly driving the amp, the system is begging for a high quality preamp. I've never owned tube gear, but am interesting in trying a good one. I like what I have read about the Lamm LL2, the Ayre-1x, and the BAT 31SE. Of course there are so many other offerings from Hovland, Sonic Fronteirs, ARC, C-J, CAT, and so on.....

I listen to a lot of vocals (Joni Mitchell, Nora Jones, Lucinda Williams, Ella Fitzgerald) and simple jazz arrangements, and occasionaly rock (Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, dave mathews).

As lazy as it sounds, I also want/need a remote (which eliminates many). Also, for some perhaps stupid reason, I want it to handle XLR in/out since that's what I currently have.

Your thoughts and expereinces (especially Ayre or other good SS amp owners) GREATLY appreciated.
Well, I have had a chance to listen a little more to my stereo after I had the dedicated circuits installed.

Definitely better bass response. Seems a little quicker, deeper and better defined.

Most definitely quieter background on both CD and analog.
Really apparent on the analog though.

My imaging seems better too.

(However, I will point out that a week or two before I put in the dedicated circuits I switched my stereo around 180 degrees. (i.e. I put in on the opposite wall from where it was before.) I know I have been playing around with my speaker positioning, which I think might explain some or all of the better imaging. However, I believe that the better bass response and the quieter backgrounds are definitely due to the dedicated circuits.)

Is it worth doing? In my case, definitely!

(PS I seem to definitely like the word "definitely", don't you think?!)
ok, so not that anybody here cares what I'm doign with the system, but today I joined the 'dark side' - I replaced my beloved Ayre V-5x with an audio research VT100 MK III. Lovely sparkle added to the system, albeit with slightly less resolution that the Ayre. The tubed amp mates very nicely with thew SF Guarneri Homage and the Ayre K-1xe preamp!
Hey, I care!

You're in the Ayre K-1X club now, and we take care of our fellow members!

Interesting that you mated a solid state preamp with a tubed amp.

Let me know how you like that after you have had a real chance to do some listening. At some point, I will be upgrading my amp next, and if tubes work out well for you, I might consider it. (My only problem is that I need a fair amount of power, due to my Revel Studio speakers. I figure at least 200 wpc, and double that if I can afford it.)

Glad to hear you like the sound of your upgraded stereo! (I was on that same merry-go-round for the last 18 months, and I finally managed to get off it. The dedicated ciruits, and rotating the listening position by 180 degrees finally did it! I am looking forward to just sitting back and listening to the music! Well for a little while at least!)
Not that anybody cares what the "big reviewers" do, but Michael Fremer of stereophile, a devout tube nut, uses the Ayre K-1x as his reference preamp. Most people like having tubed preamps to drive their ss amps, but if you can afford the power, or dont need as much of it, a tubed amp does very nicely. In your case, I think there are plenty of high powered tubed amps worth considereing. VTL, Audio Research and Manlley Labs come to mind. At a more ridiculous price point, the Lamm hybrids would definitely meet your power needs as well.

I would not try to send you into another buying frenzy, but you owe it to your self to at least AUDITION a tubed amp (maybe an Audio Research VT200), or VTL monos - just to see how where the other half is coming from. I may end up with other gear in the future, but as of now, there will be tubes in some form or another.

Remind me what amp you're using now with the Revel's, and what kind of music you're into these days....