Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE

Curent System:
Ayre V-5x amp
Levinson 390S CDP directly driving the Ayre
Dynaudio Contour 3.0 Speakers
Au24 speaker cables, Audience Power Cord, PS Audio P300 for CDP, Cardas Golden Cross XLR IC

As much as I like the transparency of the CDP directly driving the amp, the system is begging for a high quality preamp. I've never owned tube gear, but am interesting in trying a good one. I like what I have read about the Lamm LL2, the Ayre-1x, and the BAT 31SE. Of course there are so many other offerings from Hovland, Sonic Fronteirs, ARC, C-J, CAT, and so on.....

I listen to a lot of vocals (Joni Mitchell, Nora Jones, Lucinda Williams, Ella Fitzgerald) and simple jazz arrangements, and occasionaly rock (Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, dave mathews).

As lazy as it sounds, I also want/need a remote (which eliminates many). Also, for some perhaps stupid reason, I want it to handle XLR in/out since that's what I currently have.

Your thoughts and expereinces (especially Ayre or other good SS amp owners) GREATLY appreciated.
A funny (yet predictable) thing happened when my wife found out how much I paid for that ARC VT100 (new)...... 1) I had some splainin' to do, 2) i slept on the couch, 3) I returned to that dealer, tail between my legs and apologetically asked for my money back :(

Oh, well i loved the combination so i will eventually own SOME tube amp to go with the K-1x! Maybve after I sell the V-5x.
Kurt - if you get the itch for mono amps again, audition the Herron M150s. The are outstanding, especially the latest editions...and don't pay attention to Fremer's ancient review in S'phile. The Herron preamps are excellent as well.
More trading of gear - things moving very much into tubes. I sold both the Ayre V-5x and K-1x.

My new amp is a Berning ZH270, which is simply astounding! It is by far the best thing I have every heard in my system. I've also upgraded cables to Valhalla biwired and RCA's. On the preamp end, I ended up getting a First Sound Presence Deluxe which will be arriving in the next 2 weeks. So really, only the digital source (Levinson 390S) and spkrs remain (Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage + Rel Sub). I will say to SF owners - they LOVE the Berning amp!