Pre amp for Krell FPB & Teac P-70 & D-70??

Hi everyone,
since many of You are so versed in this hobby
- i ask Your advice!
I search a line preamp for my system.
I can't say i am all keen on tube amps & pre amps,
ofcourse i could always reconsider!
So anyone,
suggestions for a great (line) transistor pre amp
(or tube)??
My system includes:
Krell FPB 600C
Teac/Esoteric P-70 & D-70.
I use a protype speaker,
close resemblance to Kharma midi grand or Avalon Eidolon.
Speakerwire is fixed and interconnect and digital cables is high resolution silver cables.
They sound close to Nordost better cables!
Only say they are used by Abby Road Studios, among others!
If we could exclude any cable discussion in this,
it would be great!
Cd/ digital pre - is further connected to
a mainstransformer and i use highgrade powercords.
Sounds Designs, audiophile weight matched feets for monitor and bass modules.

So, i will try to explain what i think is the problem!
Sound tends to become somewhat a little anemic
and i think overly analytic/ a little on the cold/dry side!
Mainly You become focused to detailed listening,
which somehow distracts You from the overall experience!
I want more of a fuller and warmer sound, loads of attack!
The system reacts instanly and to a too extreme extent,
(- i dare say it become so in the long run!)
at the quality of the recording/mixing!
I feel some of the analog sense is a little lost here!
Again, i wish to add warmth & body for mid
and bass could be fuller and more extended,
aswell as giving more attack!

Thanks for looking into this matter!
Audiogoon, I heard VTL 7.5 at Sound by Singer in N.y. Front end was DCS Verdi, Elgar, Purcell with Firewire interconnects. Power amps were BAT monoblocks--sorry do not remember model. Speakers wereJM Labs Utopia Altos. I suspect suspect tubes on VTL were stock. One concern I have about VTL 7.5 is reliability and service. Vibs I get about VTL in this arena are mixed.

For what it's worth. I have had two brands of power amps in my system over the past four years. A Krell 200 FPB and VTL 300 Deluxe Mono Blocks and both have needed repairs and returned to the factory. Each company was easy to deal with and customer service minded. Both companies went out of there way to make sure I was happy with their product. Over the years I have dealings with many audio related firms regarding repairs and Krell and VTL have been the best in every way.
Thank you Vegasears. The VTL 7.5 pre is still in the running for my system, in this case.
Last beep from me!??

It took some long long time, but i found an answer for my search (and question)!
The Esoteric (P-70 and D-70) units had some very attractive characters, but failed at one specific factor (atleast when used without dedicated pre amp). That was the sonic character, which i found lacking in "flesh and blood". I bought the KPS 25sc and now drive this in CAST mode together with my FPB 600c.
I have never heard such a rewarding combination.
Oki, some systems may have an even higher resolution (they are few and absurdely expensive) or some may want a more romantic view/ colour (to describe sound/ sonic character.) But for natural lifelike reproduction of recorded material. This combo is superb no matter musical preferences and it truely excel at one of the most important factors of all....(which is..?)
The overall cheer excitement and sense of drama, dynamical contrast. To feel the power in every tiny cell. It's like an open window to the emotions the music expresses.
This combo does IT and proves to me what HighFi really is and why i am here.
And more, that it does not need to be of the absolutelly newest or latest model. Quite often we are too fast to always look at latest dac/ decoder, model or brand.
I can see the manufacturers and dealers liking it anyway!
But fellow friends, think twice.
Recommendable before many many other expensive gears.
I also have a special CAST cable which is better than any XLR/ balanced cable i've heard (again in this system).
This all silver CAST cable is rather cheap, but still very exclusive, anyone interested may ask me for a link.

Thanks and to all of You, good luck in Your quest for HighFi Nirvana.
Inpieces, regarding your comment of "flesh and blood" lack when driving your power amplifier directly from the esoteric combo, I have to say that i don't experience this lack when driving the esoteric combo to my Gryphon Antileon amp and Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers. I just disconnected my Gryphon Line amplifier (Bel Canto)