Need advice on good, clean, stable power

This is the chronology of my "bug," i.e. the "need" (or want) to upgrade.

* Yamaha RX-1400 clipped 4 full size and 1 center speakers during an intensive shooting scene of Tears From the Sun. I heard loud popping sounds from some speakers when volume was blasted off.

* I was advised by many A'gon members to get a multi-channel amp. I got the Marantz MM9000 (150wpcX5), which is plugged into a power cleaner with surge protector. Currently, the surge protector is Monster Powerbar 2100, but that will be changed to Monster HTS 3500 tomorrow in hope to get more cleaner power.

* Many A'gon members recommend to bypass the power conditioner and plug the multi-channel amp directly into the wall outlet, preferably a dedicated one.

My question now becomes if I do not want to install a dedicated line right now, would a more feasible alternative option is to use a regulator like the Monster AVS 2000? Monster Cable claims that the AVS 2000 regulator provides continuous 120V power, which in my opinion serves a good purpose for the multi-channel amp.

Sorry for I am not an electrical engineer, but that AVS 2000 sounds like a working solution for me. What do you all think about this route, or do you have some other suggestions in mind. Thanks for all the help with valuable advice.
It's all valid. I have the same question as you do, but I have not gotten there yet as I hope the dedeicated lines will do. If not, that may be next. If hospital receptacle is the case, I can always get electricuted at home first, check myself into the hospital, and try to remove those receptacles at night. How many do A'gon members need? :> ) Actually, I have seen some ads for those hospital-grade receptables, but I haven't seen any review or feedback from any audiophiles.
When I first set up my system, about 6 years ago, I had an electritian install a standard dedicated line (20amp breaker,12/2wire,$.89 Leviton outlet). I had all sorts of line noise issues, and then got onto the line conditioning merry-go-round, after time and many dollars later I had achieved an acceptical degree of success. Or so I thought.
I found out about this Iso line at my local H-Depot. While searching for materials for another project I struck up a chat with the sales guy helping me. Truns out he teaches electrical engineering at our county vocational school. He told me about the iso line and how he rewired the computer room at the school, he recieved much praise from the faculty, the screens were much clearer and the computers worked alot better. So I thought this must be good for audio, and it was.
Think about it, in relation to system cost, this is a very low cost up-grade.
Perhaps a question to the guys selling the better outlets would be a goood start.
Albert Porter is selling his "porter pots" in the conditioner section of this site. Check him out he has been around a long time and is a very respected A-gon member.
Hope you get the answers you are looking for.
Good luck,
Lej1447 regarding your 11/10 question to me, sorry I can't connect on two monster products used in series like that. You might want to email someone like Mike VansEvers to discuss power conditioning.

all power conditioners "sound" different. The trick is to find one that sounds "better than" unconditioned power to your ears in your room with your system and music with your power. IT's all a matter of tradeoffs. I doubt you can get really good clean power without perhaps generating it yourself, ala Twl. But maybe you can get close enough?