Dk Design VS-1 mkII what tubes are you using??

I am hoping to get advice from current owners of the DK Design VS-1 mkII integrated amplifier on which nos tubes are sounding best. I will be purchasing tubes in the next few days and would love to know specific experiences from my audiogon friends. If you let me know who you purchased the tubes from that would be very helpful also. Thanks and can't wait to start tube rolling for the first time.
Tube evaluation for DK Design from Jay of Audio Revelation a dealer for DK. This is the second time I've ever posted please go easy on me if you don't find this appropiate. I very rarely get here to read, just looking around and saw the question.

Note: I don’t sell tubes, this is just my listening experience. I’m not a tube expert by a long shot. Please don't ask me tube questions, I'm dumber than I look about tubes. I personally use Jim Sautter at Absolute tubes:


The stock chinese tubes are pretty good, give them a 'C' as a reference point.

National 6922s ($80 cost me)
Overall a 'B'
very good, great clarity, a bit bright, not a lot of magic

Amperex 6DJ8 'D-' (cost $120) (Green boxed)
Cloudy maybe just a bad set

Telefunkin branded, but really Amperex 6DJ8s. (cost $125) But whatever they are it’s a 'A+'
Really nice, big full sound, ambient, impactful, dramatic, 'right sounding', lots of tube magic, clear and clean but not the greatest resolution but still plenty good, musical not hifi sound - (A friend found these to be too tuby and prefers the Westinghouse below – I can easily understand his preference and no doubt others would agree)

Westinghouse’s 6DJ8 made by Matsushita from 79 vintage 'B+' ($60 pr my cost)
bit leaner than above tele's better resolution, not as magical for me though. Very close to National but a bit more natural and listenable, just lacking that special tube magic

Westinghouse 6DJ8 made by Matsushita from 81-86 vintage 'A' ($60 pr my cost)
closer in sound to Tele's, dynamic, rich, very, very good, not as clear as 79' Westinghouse or Nationals but a really great way to go.

Good luck, Jay
I found the original Chinese tubes to be a bit "hard" sounding with transistor like "harshness", although all the frequencies are evenly presented. The Siemens 7308 (Upscale Audio, about $55 each, USA Phillips made?) have a more pleasant rolly-polly PRAT-ness to them but are not very resolving. Siemens CCa (later mid-seventies version, blue & orange box, Parts Conexion $120 each) are much more resolving but at expense of elevated upper mid-range which I find very objectionable- have not tried the preferred earlier blue-yellow box type yet. Am now using JJ E88cc which give a level/even/consistent presentation, not the most dynamic or resolving but a liveable compromise (About $18 each). Will try others as time goes by, good luck, Mike.
I am using the Amperex and they are virtually magic tsounding compared to the set which comes with them.
This amp sounds like the best of all that is good about electronics, sweet smooth, musical, without the overstated lushness,which accompany some tube gear.
Buy it and enjoy, as it will play everything from estats, to dynamics, at good volumes, great staging, and phenomenal bass response.
Try the Amperex Pinch Waist 6922 gold pins, USA or Holland from the 50's, or the Amperex Pinch Waist 6dj8 metal pins.

They sound GREAT, extended on treble, detailed, and beautiful mids, with mid bass, and bass to rock your world.

Rare, yes, expensive, yes, worth it, yes. JMHO, YES