Here we go again ... driving B&W N802s

I'm a music hound, but no audiophile. That said, I have read a lot here, and learned much from the forum threads. Thank you.

Starting a new system, based on Nautilus 802s. Next step is power, and it's time to consider specific models. It seems that, in no order, Krell and Plinius are most preferred, followed by Bryston, Jeff Rowland, and Pass/Threshold. I've learned bi-amping is best but not necessary, and if not bi-amping, then bi-wiring. And that at least 200 watts per speaker is required, and at least 300 preferred. Despite my many hours of reading, I must say I'm overwhelmed with the choices, but enjoying the process nonetheless.

So now I humbly subject myself to the collective Audiogon wisdom ... what used amp(s) and pre-amp do you recommend for a total buy of up to ROUGHLY $4,000?

Other details ... 300 sf room, plan to own equipment a long time, listen to symphonic, blues, jazz, and rock. And it would be nice to have phono input.
I would recomend going with a used Classe CA-300, Ca-400, Ca-301, or the Ca-401. I'm using a Ca-400 with excellent results on my new N802's. Because of the 802's revealing nature I would stay away from bright sounding anp's and I think the Classe's are a great match for your speaker. Classe amp's also work quite well with number of different preamp's but you could look into their preamp's as well and you should have a great match worth keeping. Remember, your speaker's main concern is power and current.
A second hand Mcintosh MA6900 integrated can be had for about $2800.
You can easily re-sell it when you have enough funds to go for the seperates.
There is this great synergy with the Brit. Bowers-n-Wilkins, & Canadian manufacturers such as Bryston, Classe, & Sim Audio. From my experience with the N802's you will need a steady diet of high power solid state juice to get the them to a foot taping, finger snaping state. Good Luck
There is a VAC PA100 offered now that sounds far better than Classe, Krell, Levinson, or Linn which are the other amps I have experienced with N802's. The VAC has plenty of power for loud listening without the"dentist drill" irritation of solid state, is compact, and puts out no more heat than a big solid state amp.
Another highly-respected-but-now-out-of-highly-emotional-favor equipment line is Proceed. Their 'HPA' amps are rated at 250/C/8 and 500/C/4 and are available in 2- or 3-channel versions. Each channel in the amp has its own toroidal power transformer, rectifier, and caps. I have a BPA-3 (that's 125/C/8 times 3 channels) and it sounds quite nice in my HT system. A friend has an HPA-3 driving B&Ws, first the N803s and now the N802s, and he's thrilled with it.

The Proceed brand name and products were discontinued last year, but they're still supported by the same parent company.

I think you'll find them rather affordable for their high sound quality.