DK Design users check out Writers Choice Awards

With all the commotion about DK Design Group, I think many of you would like to see the following from the Positive Feedback Online's Writers' Choice Awards for 2004:

"DK Design Group VS-1 Mark II Integrated

When the PFO Writers were asked to name the "most significant product you heard this past year" the choice was a no brainer for me. From the very first time I heard the VS-1 to right this moment (I am listening to my personal VS-1 as I write this), I am still in shock and awe of this component.

If the VS-1 just did an adequate job as an integrated, given it's stunning good looks and overall design, at the cost of $2995; it would still have been a significant achievement. The fact that it has a wonderful mastery of any music played through it, turning each playing into a live performance of stunning realism makes it the best value of this year and perhaps many past ones.

The VS-1 exhibits sheer power, dynamics and a degree of delicacy that it unsurpassed in this price range. I can't think of any component that passed through my listening room that impressed me more than the VS-1 Mark II. (see for more)"

Here is the link to the site:

By the way, I am still totally happy with my VS-1 Mk. 2 Reference. Enjoy!
The new Musician 2 is wonderful, but that is heresay.
I have yet to put my hands on one.
I know this, the DK is remarkable, and for $2995. almost ridiculously low price.
I am NOT a downward price justification person either. Better is better, regardless.
This amp deserves just about the highest praise one can heap on it. The money ONLY makes it a great bargain.
I am buying one and plan on being very happy saving $$$$, I am also getting sick of this audiophilia stuuf. I just ordered a set of Reimer Tetons, custom made in Wyoming which are GREAT speakers. No retail outlets, built by hand by one man, and they are amazing. I am getting a lot of flak from my audiophile buddies, but I am willing to get used to just enjoying the music. Stop thinking ya gotta spend 10k plus, just to have "name brand" Let YOUR ears decide.


My VS-1 Mark II is due to arrive either Fri. or Mon. Small world isn't it? I also ordered a set of Siemans NOS German NOS CCa tubes. These are suppose to be the ones to do it with. I'm told it will blow my Musical Fidelity Kilowatt 500 Integrated. I guess we woll see. My friend who is a dealer in S. Florida heard a shootout against several respected amps and this bested them all. That DK had the CCa tubes in it.

Have fun Tom
I want to love the DK. It's benefits are being touted by some Audiogon
members whom I've grown to trust implicitly. However, in my old age of
43, I've become aware of my tendency to be an early adopter. My
experience tells me there are always bugs to be worked out. This may
not be the case with the DK VS-1 Mk II, but it HAS been the case with
several products in my recent memory. Nothing earth-shattering, but
room for improvement nonetheless. Also, considering this is one of the
first amps in the DK line, I wonder what's in the pipeline that will shortly
make the VS-1 Mk II obsolete? Is there a refined and more powerful
integrated around the corner, ala the Gryphon 2200 vs. the 2100? Is
there a more powerful stereo amp or perhaps dual monos on the
horizon? These may be needless concerns, but in my opinion they are
still valid and present some fog in the path to a clear purchase of the DK
VS-1 Mk II.
I spoke to Daniel personally, and he tells me that this is not the case. This IS the Mark II after all, and represents whichever refinements they have been able to incorporate into the new piece.
Early adopters usually take the price hit, a negative; but with this piece, its performance and price, that does not seem to be the issue here.
I know of more than one separates owner, including myself who opted for this after having heard it.
It lacks the cache of the separates, and the bragging rights, but not the musical sound we all covet.
You could do worse; I have many times.
Best to you old friend. BTW, at 43 I was in my third year of playing in a church basketball league, with the all time Leading scorer for in ABA (American Basketball Association) which beat the NBA in face offs more than they lost. Any basketball buffs who can name my hero of the league. By the way I put together a team which beat his previously undefeated team 4 years running. 43, hell you're still a kid.