DK Designs VS-1 Mk II Drive Carver Mk IV's?

Anyone have experience with the VS-1 Mk II with somewhat hard-to-drive speakers? I have Carver Platinum Mk IV's and have been considering the Mk II.
We are now in to a subjective realm which can be dangerous.
First, my room is 23x20 and is 18' high--and open to the kitchen through two casement doors, and open on the other side to a loft, overlooking the room.
This amp will play very loudly, but I am almost certain that you can clip it. In fact, it can almost become a challenge, if your tastes run to loud, and rock, or bombastic music.
It is a real 150 watt into 8 ohms, doubling into 4, so 300 watts is considerable power, but not as powerful as the 450 watt VTL, which you can clip already.
I like it because it is as neutral as the tubes you chose for the pre stage, and is very clear without being the least bit harsh.
Aren't the Carvers the ribbon design, if memory serves?
Mine room is 18x30 with 12' flat ceiling (listening position is about 24' from front wall. Carvers are about 6' from front wall and 4' from side walls. Don't play jazz and classical too loud. Yes, the 60" ribbon with (4) 12" woofers per side.
The ribbon moves such little air,(that is it does not punch the air in the manner, or distance of a dynamic driver) that its sense of 'dynamic volume' is very limited, hence the seemingly low output.
Having said that though, my Sound Labs, (mylar thin membrane) fill my huge room with wonderful sound.
So, now we're back to subjective volumes, what is loud?